
Vietnam War Timeline

  • Eisenhower Coins the "Domino Theory" in Light of Vietnam

    Eisenhower Coins the "Domino Theory" in Light of Vietnam
    This theory pertains to the idea that if one South-East Asian country falls to communism then there will be no stopping its expansion into surrounding nations. If Vietnam falls, Cambodia could fall just as easily.
  • The 1954 Geneva Conference

    The 1954 Geneva Conference
    The First issue discussed was the question of Korea. The DPRK Foreign Minister Nam II pushed the proposal of restoring Korea's unity and pushing for free national elections for the entirety of Korea. Following that was the growing issue of Vietnam. It was temporarily split along the 17th parallel, pending for two years on an election to reunite to divided nation.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem is Assassinated in Saigon

    Ngo Dinh Diem is Assassinated in Saigon
    Diem and his brother were both arrested and executed by a group of coup led by General Duong Van Minh. This led to South Vietnamese celebration followed quickly by political chaos.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was an authorization passed by the US Government that allowed President Johnson to take any measures he believed necessary to protect democracy and instill international peace in South-East Asia.
  • LBJ Sends the 1st Troops to Vietnam

    LBJ Sends the 1st Troops to Vietnam
    The first two battalions of US troops land on the beaches near Danang, being the first 3,500 USMC troops to land in Vietnam. They were tasked with assisting the Saigon Government in defeating the communist Vietcong insurgency.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    This was a coordinated series of attacks by the NVA and Vietcong in over 100 Southern Vietnam cities. While an absolute failure for the NVA and a decisive victory for the US and South Vietnam, the anti-war American media presented it as if the American forces were having trouble containing the issue of communism in Vietnam.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The murder of hundreds of men, women and children by the American military. This was a near permanent stain on the US military's reputation. While the soldiers committed the killings, the only man charged was the officer who ordered the atrocity.
  • Nixon Announces his "Vietnamization" Policy

    Nixon Announces his "Vietnamization" Policy
    Nixon announced that he would be handing the war back to the Vietnamese slowly, reducing the amount of American troops going in and increasing the amount coming out to give the war back to the Vietnamese. This eventually led to the downfall of the Saigon Government and the establishment of communism in Vietnam.
  • Nixon Sends Troops into Cambodia

    Nixon Sends Troops into Cambodia
    Troops are sent on an invasion of Cambodia to distill the use of the Ho Chi Minh Trail that the NVA were using to move along the Cambodian-South Vietnamese border to launch strategic attacks on the Saigon Government. While they had been bombing the country for over a year, with little to no effect of NVA activity, Nixon was left with no other option than an invasion and temporary occupation of the country.
  • The Kent-State Shooting

    The Kent-State Shooting
    Anti-war protests in Kent-State turn violent after the ROTC building is firebombed, leading to the involvement of the National Guard. Having rocks, school supplies and sticks thrown at them, the National Guard fires on the students after they begin to approach and attack the Guardsmen. Four students are killed and the protest is quickly disbanded as student run for their lives. It is shown that over 50% of the nation take the side of the Guardsmen while only 11% side with the students.
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Hard Hat Riot
    The Hard Hat Riot was the deliberate attack on about 1,000 protesters of the war by about 1,200 working people including construction workers and office workers who were fed up with anti-war protests.
  • Nixon's Christmas Bombing

    Nixon's Christmas Bombing
    Nixon ordered an 11 day bombing campaign against North Vietnam, dropping over 20,000 tons of explosives on military compounds, cities and villages. This forced the NVA high command back to the negotiation table and forcing them to stop ignoring the US peace attempts.
  • The Paris Peace Accords

    The Paris Peace Accords
    The PPA was the discussion and document that, after four years of negotiations, was signed by the United States, South Vietnam and North Vietnam to end the Vietnam War and establish peace between the North and South.
  • The War Powers Act is Passed

    The War Powers Act is Passed
    This Act is intended to restrict the president from committing the nation to armed conflict with another nation(s) by requiring Congress' consent to the matter.
  • The Saigon Government Falls

    The Saigon Government Falls
    The Saigon Government falls due to the rapid and vicious advancements made by the NVA after the American withdraw from Vietnam entirely following a ceasefire that the NVA broke. This results in the South Vietnamese surrendering to the NVA and the Vietcong.