Vietnam War Timeline

  • Geneva Acoord

    Geneva Acoord
    Military agreements that divided Vietnam into two, North and South Vietnam, both fighting against each other in war.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem

    Ngo Dinh Diem
    Ngo Dinh Diem was the South Vietnam preident and was assassination by his generals at a private meeting.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Resolutions that gives the president full power and control against any attacks on the US. This marked the time of the US involvement in war.
  • US troops in Vietnam

    US troops in Vietnam
    Lyndon Johnson sends the first troops to Vietnam after the USS maddox was attacked.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    The North Vietnamese planned attacks to destroy bases protecting the South Vietnamese. Purpose was for America to scale back its involvement in the Vietnam War
  • My Lai massacre

    My Lai massacre
    US army helicopter crew fired upon civilians in the village of My Lai. The massacre disgusted the American public along with troops.
  • Vietnamization

    US policy established by President Nixon that consisted of withdrawing troops and transferring responsibility and training of war effort to the government of South Vietnam.
  • Rixard Nixon presidency

    Rixard Nixon presidency
    Ran in 1968 election against Hubert Humphrey, democratic candidate. Nixon winning president was a turn for the country as his intentions were "peace with honor".
  • Troops sent to Cambodia

    Troops sent to Cambodia
    In Nixons attempt to stop communism he sent troops to Cambodia. This event affected Nixon as the people said he had gone past his authority.
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Hard Hat Riot
    New York construction workers that supported Nixon's intentions for war furiously walked to an antiwar demonstration of students protesting the Kent State incident.
  • Visit to China

    Visit to China
    Nixon goes to China to improve military relations and their support. This was significant because it was the first interaction with China in over 20 years.
  • Christmas Bombing

    Christmas Bombing
    Series of bombing occurring in North Vietnam. Americans intentions were to get North Vietnam willing to talk and come to agreements to ending war.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Peace accords was between North and South Vietnam which both agreed to peace in Vietnam and attempt to end the war.
  • President resigns

    President resigns
    Richard Nixon was the first president to have resigned in the United States. Due to his accusations of overstepping his authority and being involved in Watergate was at fault for his decision.
  • Saigon falls

    Saigon falls
    Stronghold of South Vietnam is overthrown and passed to the hands of Vietcong and Army of Vietnam. This brings an end to the war.