Eisenhower Refuses to Commit Troops
President Dwight D Eisenhower does not want to commit American Troops to the War in Vietnam saying that getting involved in a war in that region would only cause American tragedy. image source: https://pab58.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/eisenhower2.jpg -
Nixon Supports Committing Troops
Vice President of the time Richard Nixon feels it is in American's best interest to get involved in the war to help halt Communism spread. -
Division of Vietnam
The Geneva Accord divides Vietnam (17th parallel) until elections can take place in 1956. This is significant because this divide still holds today. image source: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB101/ikeanddiem2.jpg -
President Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh is featured on the cover of Time magazine as the President of North Vietnam and an avid supporter of Communism.
This signifies the beginning of a communist regime in North Vietnam. image source: http://img.timeinc.net/time/magazine/archive/covers/1954/1101541122_400.jpg -
US Supports Ngo Dinh Diem
Diem ignores the Geneva Accords and with US assistance takes control of Saigon. -
Ho Chi Minh Reforms
Ho Chi Minh reforms North Vietnam in accordance to his communist beliefs. He ends up imprisoning and executing thousands of landowners which leads to many families fleeing to South Vietnam. -
Start of Guerilla Warfare
Ho Chi Minh and ex-Viet Minh begin guerilla warfare against Diem which is symbolic of the start of the actual war. image source: https://www.rochester.k12.mi.us/stoney-creek-high-school/pages/17469/unit-e-vietnam-war-chapters-22-and-23 -
President Kennedy
John F Kennedy is elected President defeating Richard M Nixon. image source: http://www.learnersonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/JFK2.jpg -
Formation of National Liberation Front and Viet Cong
National Liberation Front (NLF) forms to fight the Diem regime. The Viet Cong (VC) which consists of Ex-Viet Minh guerilla soldiers from the South is funded by Ho Chi Minh government. image source: http://vietnam-war.commemoration.gov.au/combat/images/other-side/P01934_033.jpg -
US Combat Death
The first US combat death of many more to come signifies the real beginning of the Vietnam War for America. -
US in Vietnam
By the end of the year over 11,000 American troops are present in Vietnam. This signifies the beginning of steadily increasing numbers of troops to be shipped off to war. image source: http://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2011/04/20/8952123/1_prweb1.jpg -
Buddist Monks Ultimate Protest
Buddhist monks light themselves on fire to protest the DIem regime/ South Vietnamese government. This leads to drops in American support of the war. image source: http://a.abcnews.com/images/International/ap_Thich_Quang_Duc_nt_130610_blog.jpg -
Collapse of Southeast Asia
Kennedy releases statements letting the public know that withdrawing from Vietnam would lead not only to the collapse of South Vietnam, but the collapse of Southeast Asia to Communist forces. This signifies that not only is America fighting for southern Vietnam but for Southeast Asia. -
Overthrow / Assassination
General Duong Van Minh overthrows the Diem regime and with US support becomes military ruler Meanwhile in the US President Kennedy is assassinated with Lyndon B Johnson taking over. image source: http://www.trbimg.com/img-526f07c6/turbine/la-jfk-001/980 -
USS Maddox
North Vietnamese attack USS Maddox, but there are no casualties and little damage is done. The US states that its destroyer did nothing to warrant the attack or cooperate with the South Vietnamese raids. This attack also sets off attacks from the US in retaliation. -
First North Vietnam Strikes
After the USS Maddox reports a second attack, President Johnson orders strikes on North Vietnam to retaliate for the first time. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving President Johnson the power to do whatever he needs to to defend South Vietnam from the Viet Cong. This signifies the beginning of more aggressive tactics from the US. -
US Combat Troops
The first US combat troops arrive in Vietnam to carry out Operatioon Rolling Thunder aimed at destroying transportation systems and industrial centers in North Vietnam in order to slow the support to their troops. This signifies that the US are no longer providing support, but instead are engaging in actual ground combat. -
Period: to
Anti-War Efforts in the US
24 March - The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan holding the first anti-war teach-in. 17 April - SDS protest rally in Washington, DC.
21 May - Three-day anti-war teach-in at U.C. Berkeley which will become the biggest protest of its kind during the war era. -
Draft Dodging
Congress passes amendment to penalize people who are destroying draft cards. This is significant because hundreds of young people who were against the war effort were protesting by burning draft cards. This was congress' way of taking action against that. image source: http://depts.washington.edu/antiwar/images/sample.jpg -
Mass Anti-Vietnam Demonstration
The first mass demonstration against US involvement in the Vietnam War takes place. This marks the beginning of many protests. The Vietnam War was marked by thousands of Americans opposing the nation's involvement in the war. -
US Troops in Vietnam
At the end of the year over 380,000 US troops are in Vietnam, with more than 6,000 killed. This signifies the increasing troop numbers and high casualties. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Anti-War Speech
Martin Luther King Jr. speaks to over 100,000 about his opposition to the Vietnam War. Martin Luther King Jr. signifies the peaceful anti-war protests of the time. Unfortunately not many were. image source: http://media.npr.org/assets/news/2010/03/30/king-c5f63887952dd2a85f50936ac20487c76b50e134-s900-c85.jpg -
Pentagon March
Thousands of anti-war supporters lead a march to the Pentagon. Again this is significant because never had a war in the US been met with such opposition and in such high ranks. -
Tet Offensive
On the Vietnamese Tet holiday, Viet Cong attacks the US with North Vietnamese supports, with fighting continuing for months and ending with the NLF and the Viet Cong losing over 37,000 soldiers. It also caused high casualties for the US and more disagreement on American involvement. This attack lets Americans know just how committed and reckless the Northern Vietnamese are. image source: http://www.ohwy.com/history pictures/amertet.gif -
Peace Talks
Ho Chi Minh is ready to begin peace talks in May. Unfortunately, number of US soldiers in Vietnam continues to increase. -
MLK Assassination
Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated by James Earl Ray. This is disheartening and with MLK's death protests begin getting more and more out of hand. image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/53/ab/50/53ab50122eecf12933e3ee496cbe17de.jpg -
Longest US War
The Vietnam war becomes known as the longest US war in history. -
President Nixon
Richard M Nixon is elected President of the US. image source: http://gdb.voanews.com/0981D91F-2C22-483F-AD5E-D6D4E2CC250E_w268.jpg -
Peace Talks Begin
The US begins Peace talks in Paris with the South Vietnamese government and the NLF. image source: https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5449/7370828448_5729258f7b_b.jpg -
President Nixon announces Vietnamization which is training and transitioning South Vietnamese troops to take over American troops work in an attempt to start bringing American soldiers home. -
Death of Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh dies and is embalmed and put on display. image source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/4560074-3x2-700x467.jpg -
Nixon Promises to Bring Home Troops
President Nixon promises to withdraw American troops from Vietnam by April 1970. This is ironic because shortly after, Nixon launches a massive invasion of Cambodia. -
Cambodia Invasion
President Nixon states that the US and South Vietnamese troops have invaded Cambodia with plans to destroy NLF support bases. -
Kent State
Ohio National Guard tries to squash four-day massive demonstration against Cambodia Invasion at Kent State. The protest ends with 4 killed. This signifies just how sick and tired Americans are of "American's Longest War." It has never been this bad and is a strong juxtaposition to the King's anti-war protests. image source: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/140502182506-01-ken-state---filo---restricted-super-169.jpg -
The Pentagon Papers
New York Times publishes pieces of the "Pentagon Papers," which is a collection of documents with top-secret information about 1945-1967 US involvement in Vietnam. image source: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB348/nytfrontpg.jpg -
Congress Votes for End of War
Both the house of reps and the senate vote to withdraw American soldiers from Vietnam by the end of 1971. -
Operation Linebacker
Nixon orders North Vietnam bombing in response to the Easter Offensive attack by the NLF. -
Because of a burgulary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters, Nixon eventually resigns from office. image source: http://www.worldmeets.us/images/watergate_graphic.jpg -
US Ground Forces Leave Vietnam
The last of the American ground troops leave Vietnam, but many other personnel stay behind. -
Vietnam Ceasefire
A peace agreement is finally signed by the US and North and South Vietnam where a ceasefire is declared. The US will withdraw troops and South Vietnam will hold free elections. This will signify the beginning of a very long awaited end. image source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8I32X8IEAAiKKN.png -
Official End to Vietnam War
The Vietnam War is officially over for the US with over 3 million men having participated. image source: http://a.abcnews.go.com/images/International/ap_robert_stirm_mi_130327_blog.jpg -
Congress says No to US Intervention
When fighting breaks out again between the NLF and South Vietnam, Congress prohibits US intervention. -
Vietnam Aid Rejection
With the ceasefire over, Nixon wants to increase military aid to South Vietnam, but Congress rejects his request. -
Nixon's Resignation
After the issues with the Watergate Scandal, Nixon resigns and his VP Gerald Ford takes over as President. image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/24/af/4b24afda696320633a3d1c548d7f6260.jpg -
Saigon Invasion
The North Vietnamese plan to invaid Saigon and thousands try to flee. -
Fall of Saigon
The war in Vietnam finally ends with the North Vietnames taking over Saigon and the South Vietnamese finally giving in. image source: http://livex.poynter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Image-C-E.jpg