Vietnam War Timeline

By gadown
  • First U.S. combat death

    The first U.S. soldier dies in Vietnam.
  • Diem regime overthrown

    South Vietnam, whith U.S. help, overthrows the Deim regime and plans to execute Diem and his brother.
  • President Diem overthrown and killed

    President Diem overthrown and killed
    The day before, his government was overthrown by the South Vietnamese military. Then, he and his brother were captured and killed the next day. The operation was U.S. backed.
  • Students burn draft cards

    Students burn draft cards
    In protet of the war, 1,000 students gathered in NYC, 12 of them burn their draft cards.
  • U.S. bombs North Vietnam for first time

    U.S. bombs North Vietnam for first time
    In retaliation to the USS Maddox "attacks", president Lyndon Johnson orders stikes in North Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    A U.S. ship is reportedly attacked unprovoked by the Vietnamese on said internatioal waters.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed, which gave the president the authority to do whatever necessary to protect South Vietnam from the Vietcong.
  • Vietcong attack in Pleiku

    The Vietcong attack U.S. airforce base in Pleiku, South Vietnam. It kills 8 Americans
  • U.S. Officially enters war

    On this day, the first U.S. troops were released in Vietnam.
  • March at Pentagon

    March at Pentagon
    Thousands of people mdid an anti-war protest march at the pentagon.
  • Mai Lai massacre

    Mai Lai massacre
    U.S. troops kill hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in My Lai, South Vietnam.
  • Peace talks begin

    Ho Chi Minh's government began to talk about peace, prelimiary talks began in May.
  • Richard Nixon elected as president

    Richard Nixon elected as president
    Republican Nixon is elected as president.
  • Vietnamization

    President Nixon made a plan to train and transition South Vietnamese soldiers to take the place of the U.S. troops. At this time the number of U.S. troops in Vietnam was at 543,000 and the president promised to withdraw 25,000.
  • Ho Chi Minh dies

    Ho Chi Minh dies
    Communist Vietnamese leader, Ho Chi Minh died at the age of 79.
  • Anti-war protest, Washington

    Anti-war protest, Washington
    About 600,000 people protest the war in Washington, D.C.
  • Kent State killings

    Kent State killings
    National Guard kills four and wounds nine when attempting to disperse the group of students who are protesting the war on campus.
  • Congress vote to withdraw troops

    The congress voted to withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam by the end of the year.
  • Pentagon Papers

    NY Times began publishing top secret documents that contained information about U.S. involvment in Vietnam.
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
    The war in Vietnam ends when the North Vietnamese take Saigon.