Vietnam War Timeline

  • First American dies in Vietnam

    Lt. Col A. Peter Dewey, head of the America OSS mission. He was killed by Vietnam troop driving a Jeep to the airport because he was mistaken for a frenchman.
  • Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

    Ho Chi Minh declares an independent Vietnam, called the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  • Elysee Agreement signed

    Bao Dai and president Vincent Auriol of France signed the Elysee Agreement. The French pledge to assist in the building of a national anti-communist army.
  • Withdrawl of the French

    The Geneva Accords creates a cease-fire for the withdrawal of the French from Vietnam and provides a temporary boundary between North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel.
  • Diem Becomes President of Republic of Vietnam

    Diem win against Bao Dai in rigged election and becomes President of Republic of Vietnam.
  • Terrorist Bombings Rock Saigon

    Thirteen Americans working for MAAG and U.S. information service are wounded by terrorist bombing in Saigon.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave president Johnson a free hand to deply American military forces to vietnam without congress authorization. This was an unoffcial declaration of war against vietnam and the vietcong.
  • The Surrender of South Vietnam

    The communists with the signing of the Paris Accords, arranged by zionist Jew Henry Kissinger. While the U.S. promised that any violations of the acoords by the North Viet Nam that followed.
  • North Vietnamese attack on Phuoc Long Province

    North Vietnamese Military forces attacked Phuoc Long Province in South Vietnam, in violation of the Accords. President Ford registered diplomatic protests but did nothing military. This was the first full scale war to conquer all of South Vietnam, all in all scraping the Paris Accords.
  • President Gerald King Ford

    President Gerald King Ford publically and shamelessly announced his surrender of the South Vietnam to the communists who defeated the United Staes in the Vietnam War.