Vietnam war timeline cover

Vietnam War Timeline

By saul123
  • Vietnam is free of French rule and is divided into North and South Vietnam

    Vietnam is free of French rule and is divided into North and South Vietnam
    The Geneva Accords creates a cease-fire for the peaceful departure of the French from Vietnam and creates a boundary line between North and South Vietnam
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • South Vietnam declared itself a democracy

    South Vietnam declared itself a democracy
    South Vietnam establishes itself the Republic of Vietnam with Ngo Dinh Diem as president.
  • The Viet Cong is established

    The Viet Cong is established
    The National Liberation Front (NLF) also known as the Viet Cong was established in South Vietnam
  • First U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    First U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    The first U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam
  • Change in U.S generals

    Change in U.S generals
    The previous General William Westmoreland has been replaced by General Creighton Abrams
  • First departure of U.S troops

    First departure of U.S troops
    President Nixon orders the first of many U.S troops departures from Vietnam
  • A cease-fire is provided

    A cease-fire is provided
    The Paris Peace Accords are signed to provide a cease-fire
  • Troops are sent home

    Troops are sent home
    The last of the U.S troops are sent home from Vietnam
  • South Vietnam surrenders

    South Vietnam surrenders
    After years of fighting the North Vietnamese, South Vietnam finally surrenders
  • Vietnam is unified as a communist country

    Vietnam is unified as a communist country
    Vietnam is unified as a communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam