Ho Chi Minh Found Communist Party
Founded the Indochinese communist party to overthrow the French -
Ho Chi Minh's ReturnTo N Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh returns home from 30 years in exile -
Geneva Conference
The Geneva conference involved dividing Vietnam in half on the 17th parallel President Eisenhower Geneva Conference -
US supports France
US sends military support to help france -
Vietminh defeat French
10,000 french soldiers are defeated at Dien Bien Phu, and are forced to surrender and taken prisoner. -
Tonkin Resolution
Tonkin Resolution Signed to authorize military action in southeast asia after two us military ships had been attacked. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
Johnson expanded American involvement by shifting his policy to a sustaining bombing campaign against North Vietnam. -
US Troops Arrive in Vietnam
US troops arrive in Vietnam to help the south vietnamese overcome the north. -
March of the Pentagon
Protesters march to the pentagon -
Tet offensive
Vietcong and North Vietnamese launch a surprise attack -
Massacre My Lai
American platoon masscares over 200 unarmed south vietnamese civilians -
Nixon puts the vietnamization policy in effect which involved reducing american presence in Vietnam by encouraging south vietnamese to take on the responsibility of fighting the war themselves. -
Invasion of Cambodia
American troops invade Cambodia -
Kent State Shooting
U.S. Soldiers fire at student protesters and kill 4 and wound 7 -
26th Amendment
The 26th amendment allowed those ages 18-21 to legally vote, especially during the Vietnam war -
Pentagon Papers
Classified info about president johnson and his policies appear in the newspapers in New York, causing conflict. -
US withdraws from Vietnam
President Johnson is forced to withdraw troops from Vietnam, after taking heavy death tolls -
War Powers Act
The war powers act required the president to inform congress of any commitment of troops -
South Vietnamese Surrender
The south vietnamese are forced to surrender after their defeat at Dien Bien Phu. -
Civil War breaks out in Angola
The vietnam war tempered foreign involvement in Angola's civil war as neither the soviet union or the u.s. wanted to be involved in another war.