The first American army soldiers die in vietnam
First American troops of the u.s. armies were killed on vietnam soil. -
Vietnam war starts
The war kicks off in vietnam and has already killed many soldiers. -
South Vietnamese president Diem is assassinated
President of south Vietnam was assassinated when trying to escape from a coup on him. -
Johnsons landslide
Lyndon B. Johnson wins the presidential election by a landslide. -
First U.S. combat troops reach south Vietnam
First U.S. troops for combat arive in Vietnam to help out in the war. -
Period: to
Vietnam war, Tet offensive
Tet offensive
A great attack by the Northern Vietnamese soldiers attack U.S. forces in a ceace-fire. -
The paris peace talks begin
The soviet union, the U.S. and south vietnam meet to talk about what could be salvaged from the war torn Vietnam. -
President Nixon announces the first troop withdrawals from south Vietnam.
U.S. president announces to remove U.S. forces from Vietnam because of people protesting the war. -
Hanoi releases last 591 acknowledged American POW's
All remaining POW's from prison camps in Vietnam are released and sent home. -
Vietnam war ends
The Vietnam war finally ends a while after the U.S. left the war.