French defeated by Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu
Ngo Dinh Diem wins rigged election to become president of South Vietnam
U.S. Special Forces first arrive to begin training ARVN soldiers
"National Liberation Front for South Vietnam" formed
Buddist monk Thich Quang Duc self-immolates
Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated
President Kennedy assassinated
Maddox and C. Turner Joy report attack in Gulf of Tonkin
Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Operatoin Rolling Thunder begins
First "teach-in" protest helf at University of Michigan
Nguyen Van Thieu becomes president of South Vietnam
Battle of Khe Sanh begins
The Tet Offensive launched by VietCong and North Vietmanese Army
Lieutenant William Calley and his men involved in My LaiMassacre
President Johnson announces he will not seek reelection
Battle of Khe Sanh ends
Operation Rolling Thunder ends
"Vietnamization" announced by Nixon
Ho Chi Minh dies of heart failure
Kent State Massacre
Cease-fire signed in Paris
Max Beilke becomes last American combat soldier to leave South Vietnam
America airlifts thousands from Saigon as it falls to Communism
President Carter pardons draft dodgers