Eisenhower's Domino Theory
During President Eishenhowers domino theory conference, he says that by having one country communist, they soon will all follow. Just like a stack of dominos everything will colapse. -
America's Involvement begins
America had managed to stay out of the war until Aug 7,1964 when a US boat off the coast of vietnam was fired at. The US immedietly decided to join the efforts to stop the war. -
Operation Rolling Thunder begins
Operation Rolling Thunder was used to describle when the U.S. decided to fight agaisnt North VIetnam. It started by dropping bombs on towns. -
President Johnson decides to not run for re-election
Due to the thousands of lives already lost in the VIetnam War, President Johnson decided not to run for re-election. Most of the country disliked him for sending so many troops away and not fixing the war. -
President Nixon had a plan to help end the war. He would take his troops from the North and instead of then fighting in the North, they would protect the South. -
U.S. Troops invaded Cambodia
North Vietnam had been using Cambodia to bring down bows and other wearpons into South Vietnam. The United States invaded to raid the North as they came down so they could not destroy the South any more. -
Kent State Massacre
A group of student demontrators were outside the colledge when shots were fired. The Ohio National Guard fired into the crowd hoping to stop the chaos but instead killed four students.