Vietnam War

By j.c.14_
  • Ho Chi Minh is Born

    Ho Chi Minh, the most important voice demanding independence for Vietnam, is born.
  • Ho Chi Minh Departs

    Ho Chi Minh leaves Vietnam.
  • Result of the Civil War in China

    Communist forces win the civil war in China.
  • New President is Elected

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower takes office.
  • France fails to regain Vietnam

    The French loses their eight-year struggle to regain Vietnam.
  • The National Liberation Front launches an Insurgency

    NLF guerrilla fighters, called Vietcong, launched an insurgency in which they assassinated government officials and destroyed roads and bridges.
  • New President is Elected

    President John F. Kennedy is Elected.
  • SDS was founded

    The Students for a Democratic Society was founded at the University of Michigan.
  • President JFK sends Special Forces to South Vietnam

    President John F. Kennedy sends Special Forces troops to South Vietnam to advise the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) on more effective ways to fight the communists forces.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem is removed

    Diem is removed from power and later assassinated.
  • The Fall of a President and a New President takes office

    an assassin's bullet struck down President Kennedy, and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the new president.
  • President faces Crisis

    President Johnson faces his first crisis in Vietnam.
  • President alters U.S. role

    President Johnson dramatically alters the U.S. role in the Vietnam War.
  • War devolves

    The war had devolved into a stalemate.
  • Discovering then village of My Lai

    Americans forces searched for enemy troops in an area with a strong Vietcong presence and came upon the village of My Lai.
  • New President takes office

    Richard Nixon takes office.
  • Nixon attempts to break the stalemate

    Nixon attempts to break the stalemate by ordering a ground attack on North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong bases in Cambodia.
  • Antiwar rally takes place

    Construction workers decided to demonstrate, carrying American flags and chanting "All the Way USA."
  • Students enrolled in higher education increased

    The number of students enrolled in institutions of higher education increased from 2 million to 8 million.
  • Lt. Calley is convicted

    A military court convicted Lt. Calley of his participation in the attack.
  • Nixon announces his visit to China

    Nixon announces he is going to make an official visit to china.
  • Peace Settlement is decided

    The United States and North Vietnam came to terms on a peace settlement.
  • Nixon makes the trip

    The president made the trip and toured the Great Wall, The imperial palace, and other historic sites.
  • The Paris Peace Accords is signed

    The United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong signed the Paris Peace Accords.
  • War Powers Act is passed

    The War Powers Act is passed, which restricted the Presidents war making powers.