Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Drew the US further into the war. The US says Vietnam started to fire first, Vietnam says US fired first. Congress approves military action -
Troops Arrive
200,000 troops arrive in South Vietnam over the months of October and November -
Protests Begin
The US saw a countless amount of protests against the war. Citizens did not support the war and believed it was not 'our' war to fight. -
Tet Offensive
Forces from the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army launch the Tet Offensive, which was a series of attacks on more than 100 cities and towns in Vietnam. More than 500 civilians die at the hands of US troops and thousands are killed by communists. -
Ho Chi Minh Dies
Ho Chi Minh, communist revolutionary dies, President Nixon reduces the number of ground troops in Vietnam. -
A ceasefire agreement was reached, US troops pull out of Vietnam completely by March. -
Nixon's Resignation
President Nixon resigns as a result of his participation in the cover-up of the Watergate Scandal. He was then pardoned of his crime as soon as President Ford was sworn into office following Nixon's resignation. -
Saigon, Vietnam falls to the NVA and NLF forces, resulting in remaining US personel to leave in panic.