Vietnam War

  • Ho Chi Minh got ignored

    Ho Chi Minh got ignored
    Before world war II, a very young Vietnam soldier named Nguyen Thanh (Ho Chi Minh) arrived at the Paris peace meeting answering back to Woodrow Wilsons promise of self-determination for other nations. Ho Chi Minh hopes to free Vietnam from French colonial rule but he was straight up ignored
  • North vietnam complains

    North vietnam complains
    North Vietnamese officials in Hanoi filed a complaint with a commission set up by Geneva accords, stating that under the safety of America, South Vietnam vessels had bombarded northern ports.
  • first vietnam bombing

    first vietnam bombing
    The USS Maddox reported a second assault by north Vietnam gunboats, Through evidence of such an attack is not conclusive. Lyndon B. Johnson orders retaliatory strikes. us bombs North Vietnam for the first time
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resoulution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resoulution
    The Congress of the U.S. passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave Lyndon Johnson the power to do whatever he deems necessary to defend South Vietnam against Viet Cong forces.
  • First Mass Demonstration Against Vietnam

    First Mass Demonstration Against Vietnam
    In the U.S. the first mass public demonstration against America's involvement in the war in Vietnam take place.
  • Bombing Halt

    Bombing Halt
    In an attempt to make negotiations with North Vietnam, President Johnson ordered a stop in the bombing. The break lasted a month.
  • Students Burn Cards

    Students Burn Cards
    David O'Brien and three of his friends burned their draft cards on the steps of the Boston Courthouse as a protest for Vietnam.
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    the rally started in front of the Lincoln memorial started peacefully, although DR. Benjamin Spock called president Johnson the enemy, after the rally, the demonstrators, waving a red, blue and gold flag of the Viet Cong, started marching towards the Pentagon. violence broke out when the crazier side of the people clashed with the soldiers and U.S. marshals protecting the Pentagon
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    the start of the Vietnamese Tet holiday, Viet Cong forces surprised the U.S. with a bunch of attacks sustained by North Vietnamese troops. heavy fighting will continue for months on end ultimately, the Tet Offensive will be a catastrophe for the NLF and the Viet Cong which lose 37,000 fighters, but it also screwed up the U.S. cause they lost 2,500 men and public support plummets
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    Saigon was captured, and that marked the end of the Vietnam war, and that started a transitional period leading to the formal reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.