
Vietnam War - Zoe Smith

  • Transition of power

    Transition of power
    In September 1939 a transition of power began when Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. The Vietnam War didn't official start until 1954, but I believe the events leading up to 1954 are important to include in order to more fully understand the reason for the war in the first place.
  • Ho Chi Minh turns to the U.S. for help

    Ho Chi Minh turns to the U.S. for help
    Germany defeated France in 1940 and it's ally, Japan, took advantage of the crippled french government and began its domination of Southest Asia. Now he had to deal with Japan and France in his fight for Vietnam's independence. Ho Chi Minh began to try to strengthen his relationship with U.S.
  • Vietnam Forces Occupy Dien Bien Phu

    Vietnam Forces Occupy Dien Bien Phu
    Vietnamese forces occupy the French command post at Dien Bien Phu. The battle lasted 55 days. The Vietnamese won, discouraging France's resolve to carry on the war
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    The official year of the beginning of the Vietnam was was 1954. This was a Civil war between the North and South Vietnam but it gradually evolved into "America's War".
  • Green Berets sent to Vietnam

    Green Berets sent to Vietnam
    The United Sates sent the first three Special Forces (Green Berets) to Vietnam to train elite units of the South Vietnamese Army in counterinsurgency warfare. The Green Berets were created in 1952 as an unconventional force to be used in limited wars. They were known as "Quiet Professionals" or "Intellectuals of the Battlefield"
  • The Ho Chi Minh Trail is Created

    The Ho Chi Minh Trail is Created
    In the late 1950s, Ho Chi Minh began to infiltrate men and supplies into South Vietnam on the Ho Chi Minh trail. This was created by Group 559, a specialized North Vietnamese army unit. The route ran along the Vietnamese/ Cambodia border.
  • President JFK Orders more Help

    President JFK Orders more Help
    More help is ordered in late 1961 by President John F. Kennedy to aid South Vietnam is its war against Vietcong guerrillas. From 1959 to 1961 the number of armed resistance fighters in South Vietnam increased from 2,000 to 10,000.
  • Operation Chopper

    Operation Chopper
    Helicopters transported over 1,000 South Vietnamese paratroopers for an assault on a National Liberation Front fort just outside Saigon. This was called Operation Chopper and it was the start of America's first combat missions against the Vietcong.
  • Operation Ranch Hand

    Operation Ranch Hand
    In early 1962 Operation Ranch Hand began with the introduction of the chemical Agent Orange. Ranch Hand's goal was to clear vegetation alongside highways, exposing guerrilla trails and crops that might feed Vietcong units.
  • Assasination of JFK and LBJ's 3 decisions

    Assasination of JFK and LBJ's 3 decisions
    On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Shortly after, Lyndon B. Johnson was elected President and made three crucial decisions that would change America: 1. Stay the course and continue JFK's policies in Vietnam 2. Launch a bombing campaign, Operation Rolling Thunder, against North Vietnam 3. A large-scale commitment of U.S. ground troops to South Vietnam
  • "OPLAN 34 - A" Went into Action

    "OPLAN 34 - A" Went into Action
    A program of graduated pressure on North Vietnam, OPLAN34-A, went into action. Secret operations began with the U.S. Navy in Laos and the South Vietnamese commandos in North Vietnam. It was intended for the U.S. to gain intelligence on North Vietnam costal radar / radio installation and antiaircraft sites in case of an escalation in the bombing of North Vietnam.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Incidents

    The Gulf of Tonkin Incidents
    On August 2nd, 1962, North Vietnamese launched a torpedo attack with three North Vietnamese patrol boats. This was reported by Captain john Herrick and an American destroyer, the USS Madox. This was the first Gulf of Tonkin incident. A second attack by North Vietnam came two days later. President Johnson lied to the American people calling this an "unprovoked attack".
  • First Combat Troops sent to Vietnam

    First Combat Troops sent to Vietnam
    In March 1965, Johnson sent the first combat troops to Vietnam. It was an "undeclared war" that neither side wanted.
  • The City Battle-Tet Offensive

    The City Battle-Tet Offensive
    General Giap broke the truce and launched a massive, surprise attack against South Vietnam. Vietcong terrorists blew a hole in the U.S. Embassy wall and poured into its courtyard. It took 10 days to regain Saigon and 25 days to retake the city of Hue.
  • Johnson's TV Speech + Election of Nixon and his "Secret Plan"

    Johnson's TV Speech + Election of Nixon and his "Secret Plan"
    In televised speech, Johnson announced: 1. He would not run for reelection, 2. He was suspending the bombing of North Vietnam, and 3. He was calling for peace talks with North Vietnam President Nixon was elected at the end of the year and told the American people he had a "secret plan" for ending the Vietnam War. This was a lie. Our troops remained in Vietnam 4 years longer with 20,000 more casualties.
  • Nixon Announces Cease-Fire

    Nixon Announces Cease-Fire
    On January 27, 1973, President Nixon announced ceasefire in a televised speech. This marked the end of the U.S. Combat Period and the beginning of bringing our troops home. A peace treaty , The Paris Peace Accords, was signed between South and North Vietnam.
  • The Fall of Saigon

    The Fall of Saigon
    North Vietnamese attacked and took Saigon, violating the Paris Peace Accords. The president of South Vietnam, President Thieu, asked for U.S. reinforcements, but none were sent, as the U.S. had already begun sending their troops home. The troops that did remain in Vietnam however did their best to help the Vietnamese people evacuate.
  • "Boat People" Flee Vietnam

    "Boat People" Flee Vietnam
    From 1978 - 1980 Vietnamese fled their country to escape communism on boats, picking up the name "boat people". The UN helped by supporting refugee camps for the Vietnamese, the two largest being in Malaysia and Indonesia.