Geneva Accords Signed
The Geneva Accords ended the French Indochina War. They allowed Vietnam to be divided at the 17th parallel. Ho Chi Minh, a communist, came into power over the North, and Ngo Diem, a democrat led the South -
Vietnamese Troops (allegedly) torpedo 2 U.S. Destroyers
LBJ announced that North Vietnamese troops had torpedoed two destroyers, saying tht the attacks were unprovoked. -
LBJ approves Operation Rolling Thunder
Operation Rolling Thunder was the first bombing of North Vietnam, and was the first true act of war in the Vietnam War. -
Tet Offensive
On the Buddist holiday Tet, Vietcong soldiers attacked South Vietnam, taking many lives and capturing territory from North. The U.S. responded with a counterattack, regaining loss territory and causing two times more damage to the Vietcong. -
Richard Nixon Sworn in as President
Nixon defeated Huber Humphrey in the 1968 election and was sworn into ofice early the following year. -
Nison Introduces Vietnamization
Nixon introduced the idea to the American Public in a nationally televised speech. He suggested, a gradual, phased withdrawal from Vietnam. -
Kent State Massacre
Four anti-war protestors at Kent State University were shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard