Battle of Dien Bien Phu
The Viet Minh defeated the French. -
New Vietnamese republic
When a new Vietnamese republic was established, the prime minister was Ngo Dinh Diem. -
Two Republics
This election was held to decide whether or not North Vietnam and South Vietnam should be one country. -
New Leader in South Vietnam
Earlier in 1962, President Kennedy sent advisors to train the South Vietnamese to fight. Since the regime could not be helped, they installed a new leader. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The U.S. became more involved in the Vietnam War after The North Vietnamese attacked navy ships -
House of Un-American Activities Committee
They started to search for anyone who are helping the vietcong. They planned to make it illegal. -
A Viet Cong officer murdered
A Viet Cong officer was murdered by a South Vietnamese officer. -
Tet Offensive
In the Tet Offensive, 30 U.S. targets and South Vietnamese cities were attacked. -
My Lai Massacre
U.S. soldiers killed hundreds of Vietnamese citizens. -
Dropping Out of The Election
President Johnson dropped out of the elections due to the cmapaign failing and other factors. -
A cease-fire was declared and signed because of the pressure from bombing in North Vietnam. -
Fall of Saigon
The North Vietnamese took control of Saigon.