Geneva Accords
Resolution at the end of the French Indochina War. Vietnam was temporarily divided at the 17th parallel, there was supposed to be an election to unify in 1956. Ho Chi Minh controlled North, Diem controlled South. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Granted broad military powers to President Johnson without declaring war. This gave the President the power to send in troops without gettting the approval of Congress. -
Tet Offensive
Vietcong troops emerged from their hidden tunnels. They attacked nearly every major metropolitan center in South Vietnam. -
My Lai Massacre
American soldiers opened fire on women and children in the village of My Lai. The public responded with moral outrage. -
Nixon said the United States would gradually withdray troops from Southeast Asia. This would turn more of the fighting over to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. -
Kent State Massacre
Students were protesting the war and burned down the ROTC building on campus and destroyed local property. The National Guard was called in and killed 4 students. -
Pentagon Papers
A top-secret overwiew of the history of government involvement in Vietnam posted in the NY Times. Revealed deception of the American public by the Johnson administration.