Vietnam fights back
Ho Chi Minh, a communist leader of the north, helped form Vietminh, an organization whose goal was to win Vietnam's independence. -
America supports France
The U.S. gives $10 million to the French as they fight forces against led by Ho Chi Minh, to reestablish French rule. -
Fall of Dien Bien Phu
Even with U.S. aid, the French weren't able to retake Vietnam. A French military base was captured and they were forced to surrender. -
Later the Geneva Accords was created dividing the North and the South of Vietnam at the 17th parallel. -
Leader of the South
Ngo Dinh Diem ruled the south and he was unpopular in south Vietnam because he was corrupt and Catholic in a Buddhist country. He was later asssassinated. -
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The U.S.S Maddox was attacked by North Vietnam. Which led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and it gave LBJ the right to take all necessary measures to prevent further aggressions. -
United States
The U.S. involvement went from advisory to actual combat. The amount of troops sent to Vietnam increased. -
Search and Destroy
Search and destroy missions involved U.S. soldiers uprooting Vietnamese citizens with suspected ties to the Vietcong and burning down their villages. Many citizens fled into cities or refugee camps. -
Turning Point
Tet, Vietnamese new year, offensive changed the war for the U.S. soldiers because they were caught off guard and they didn't think an attack was going to happen on this holiday. -
President Johnson's announcement
LBJ decides that he won't be running for president again. Also Johnson ends escalation of the war with this announcement. -
At Kent State University students were protesting and the National Guard was called and they ended up killing four students and injurying nine. This was just one of the moments that showed how divivded America was when it came to the war. -
The end
Cease fire agreements signed and the U.S. agrees to remove their troops in sixty days.