Vietnam war and civil rights movement

  • freedman's bureau

    freedman's bureau
    This was to provide homes,care,and assistance to formerly enslaved African americans. They helped with education,healthcare,employment,and land ownership.
  • brown v board of education

    brown v board of education
    This case issued segregation in schools,but was different in every state.This case was passed supporting desegregation,and was a major turning point in the civil rights movement.
  • dien Bien phu

    dien Bien phu
    Battle between French union and veit communist. Veit Minh's victory was a lead to end French involvement,and paved the way for division of Vietnam into north and south.
  • Military aid sent to south

    Military aid sent to south
    This was an effort to support the south Vietnamese government.This was a major increase in US military personnel and involvement in conflict when president Lyndon B took over.
  • Greensboro sit in

    Greensboro sit in
    The sit in started as 4 college students sat at a segregated diner at the bar.They were denied service because of their color,but the next day more and more people came in and sat,refusing to get up.This started a worldwide of sit ins across the south.
  • freedom riders

    freedom riders
    Civil rights activist who got on a bus and rode interstates into southern US.During their protests they were violated,and hurt,and people were angry and being aggressive.
  • Washington DC march

    Washington DC march
    March for jobs and freedom,around 250,000 people all came together In front of the Lincoln memorial.Aimed to change civil and economic rights,and this martin luther kings speech was a push to start protesting
  • Malcolm x assassination

    Malcolm x assassination
    Malcolm x was was a Muslim minister and a human rights activist. He was killed while he was giving a speech at Audubon ballroom located in Manhattan.
  • US troops arrive in Vietnam

    US troops arrive in Vietnam
    The US troops started arriving in 1965.The Vietnam war was the biggest in the Indochina wars,and some say a copy of the cold war.The US being in Vietnam caused a lot of controversial thoughts,that led to worldwide protests.
  • voting rights act pass

    voting rights act pass
    This was a legislation passed in 1965.This act was an aim to eliminate discrimination voting against African Americans.This was a step forward for equal rights all over.
  • tet offensive begins

    tet offensive begins
    Vietnam attacked more than 100 cities,this was an attempt to provoke rebellion among south Vietnam population.They surprised everyone with a launch attack and changed the US perspective on the war.
  • anti war protest in chicago

    anti war protest in chicago
    US protested against the war,showing the disapproval of the involvement.The protest that happened took many forms,marches,rallies,and also demonstrations.People voiced their opinions,and they consequences.
  • bloody sunday

    bloody sunday
    civil rights activist met at Edmund Petty's bridge in Alabama.Martin Luther king led this march with over 3,000 marches.This was in a hope for equal voting rights.
  • last troops leave vietnam

    last troops leave vietnam
    The last troops left due to the signing of the Paris peace,to establish peace in Vietnam.Although many troops left,marines stayed until the city of north Vietnamese fell
  • saigon america embassy falls

    saigon america embassy falls
    This events marked the end of the Vietnam war,North Vietnam captured south Vietnam,and that led to the collapse of south Vietnam.A helicopter had to come and take citizens from the embassy,