Tet offensive
The Viet Cong launched massive suprise attacks on the holiday of tet. Nearly every major metropolitan area in South Vietnam was attacked and it greatly hurt moral. -
My Lai Massacre
A company of American soldiers killed hundreds of civileans unprovoked in brutal fashion. This and then the alleged cover-up drew outrage. -
Vietnamization introduced
A policy by President Nixon to end U.S. respnsibilites in Vietnam and hand over responsibilites to the South Vietnamese forces. Slowly, the U.S. was to become only as support force and not the main operating troo[s on the ground -
Invasion of Cambodia
An invasion into eastern camboadia by the U.S. and South Vietnam in an effort to hurt the Viet Cong as they were doing cross border attacks. -
Kent State Massacre
After announcing the invasion of Cambodia, there was mass unrest on college campuses. Following an altercation, nation guardsmen shot and killed 4 students. -
Penatagon Papers printed in NY
The pentagon papers was a hostory a the U.S. involvment in Vietnam which was long kept secret. Leaked to the press, these papers caused uproar about things that had long been secretly been going on in Vietnam. -
Fall of Saigon
This was the capture of the South Vietnam capital by North Vietnamese forces. It marked the end of the war and reunified the country.