Japan lost control and Ho Chi Min take over Vietnam
WW2 officially ends and Ho Chi Min declares Vietnam independent in front of 500,000 supporters.
No direct American involvement
America gets politically involved in Vietnam
America agreed with Ho Chi Minh in wanting an independent Vietnam -
The victors of WW2 decides that Vietnam should be controlled by the French.
The French have taken full control of Vietnam and has driven out the VIet Minh.
The Viet Minh started using Guerilla warfare to wear down the French troops.
China fell to Communism
USA started to give financial aid to the French in VIetnam
China had just fallen to Communism and the USA feared the domino theory. -
The Viet Minh took control of almost all of the countryside due to the dense jungle.
Dien Bien Phu
The French had superior firepower and wanted to use this as they hadn't had the opertunity to do this because of the Guerilla warfare that the Viet Minh used. Therefore, they lured the Viet Minh into an open fight. This proved to be disastrous for the French as the Viet Minh surrounded Dien Bien Phu and slowly drove out the French. -
Vietnam is divided into a Communist north and Capitolost Sout. It was split along the 17th parallel
One of the conditions between France and Vietnam was that elections would be held within 2 years of the divisoin. They gave the population of Vietnam 300 days to move to their preferred side. -
Ho Chi Minh became Prime Minister in North Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh started to bring in Communist policies such as "Rent Reduction and "Land Reform" -
Ngo Dinh Diem was elected prime minister in South Vietnam
He got financial backing from the USA as he was very anti Communist. -
The Viet Cong was established
They were a group that wanted a unified Vietnam and wanted it to be Communist under Ho Chi Minh's rule.
They were supplied with resources from Norh Vietnam through a path going through Lao and Cambodia. -
J.F. Kennedy was elected President of the USA
The Viet Cong started raiding areas in South Vietnam
US military involvement in Vietnam starts.
South Vietnam signed a military and economic aid treaty with the USA. The USA saw the weakness of ARVN and realized that they were not resist a communist attack.