Vietnam War

  • Chemical Weapons

    Chemical Weapons
    The US used chemicals such as Agent Orange and Napalm to destroy Vietnamese wildlife
  • Draft

    The US started to draft people for military service in Vietnam
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The US was allowed to take any measures necessary to ensure peace in Southeast Asia
  • US first sent troops

    US first sent troops
    When the US first sent troops to Vietnam
  • Rolling Thunder

    Rolling Thunder
    The US bombing of North Vietnam
  • Tet offensive

    Tet offensive
    North Vietnamese surprise attacks in South Vietnam
  • Vietnamization

    The US was trying to transition their responsibilities in the war to S. Vietnam.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    A group of US soldiers were sent to My Lai in a search and destroy mission and told to treat everyone as Viet-Cong they ended up killing 500 civilians
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    The US invaded Cambodia trying to take out N. Vietnamese bases that where the stored supplies
  • The Pentagon Papers

    The Pentagon Papers
    Top Secret documents leaked by the New York Times and Washington Post that showed the public the true involvement of the US in Vietnam
  • End of US involvement in Vietnam

    End of US involvement in Vietnam
    The US signed a Treaty with N. Vietnam and S.Vietnam in Paris marking the end of US military involvement in Vietnam
  • The Fall of Saigon

    The Fall of Saigon
    N. Vietnamese troops captured Saigon causing S. Vietnam's forces to collapse. This marked the end of US involvement in Vietnam