French are defeated at Dien Bien Phu
Caption: French soliders are resting after leading a counterattack at Dien Bien Phu.
Importance: France has a rude awakening when realizing they cannot win aganist North Vietnam,therefore agreeing to give Vietnam Independence.Due to this, Vietnam divded into two countries(communist north against non-communist south) leading to American involvment. -
United States helps train South Vietnam Troops
Caption: U.S military man Corporal W.S Vauiter, having a converstation with a South Vitenamese solider during the National Traning Center at Chi Lang.
Importance: The U.S military sends men to come aid the South Vietnam to train them for fighting, which French had been to the ones who were normally filling in this role. -
The North Communist enter South Vietnam
Caption: North Vietnam soliders altering guerrilla strategy, targeting big cities and towns.
Importance: The war begins! North Vietnam Guerrila fighters enter into Sotuh Vietnam and kill more than 400 Vietnamese offcials. -
North Vietnam moves weapons into South Vietnam
Caption:North Vietnamese car on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, moving weapons into South Vietnam,
Importance: North Vietnam used to road called the Ho Chi Minh Trail to move weapons into South Vietnam. This trail will become the target for bomb attacks as the war begins to progress. -
Agent Organe is tested by the United States
Caption: Agent Orange being sprayed by U.S Aircraft in Vietnam.
Importance: The U.S began spraying Agent Orange to prevent North Vietnamese troops from hiding in the forests throughout Vietnam. This spray is toxic and is also linked to a variety of heath issues. -
South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem is assisinated
Caption: South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem is captured and killed.
Importance: President Ngo Dinh Diem was killed during the South Vietnamese government overthrow . Kennedy was aware of the overthrow. However, he claimed he did not know that President Ngo Dinh Diem would be killed. -
U.S congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Caption: Lyndon Johnson signing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Importance: Due to Johnson claiming that two U.S ships were attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin, congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This gave Jonhson the authortiy to use forces against North Vietnam in order to protect the United States. -
Rolling Thunder Begins
Caption: Burning Patrol Boat due to Operation Rolling Thunder bombings.
Importance: The United States conducted constant air raids on North Vietnam to bomb targets within North Vietnam and their hideouts. This was approved by President Lyndon Johnson. -
Vietnam Veterans Protest
Caption: Vietnam Veterans Protesting.
Importance: Vietnam Veterans attempt to return their medals to the White House to protest the United States involvement in the Vietnam War, This protest was only one of many that was seen thrughout the country during the next few years. -
The Tet offense is launced by North Vietnam
Caption:The Tet offense is launced in South Vietnam .
Importance: North Vietnamese troops suprise American and South Vietnam troops by launcing the Tet Offense,This attack was on the Lunar New year (an importance holiday in Vietnam). This was considered a victory to North Vietnamese troops due to the Tet offense being such a suprise, -
Vietnamese civilians murdered by American Troops
Caption:Vietnamese civilians killed by an American durinng the My Lai massacre.
Importance: Due to not being able to capture North Vietnamese guerillas that were in South Vietnam, American troops murdered 300 civilians that were in My Lai. ( civilians were unarmed) -
New policy announced:Vietnamization
Caption: Vietnamization- Training the South Civil Guard.
Importance: Supporters for the U.S involvement drops as the war continues to progress. The U.S goal (Vietnamization) is to defeat the North Vietnamese onto South Vietnam. -
Peace Agreement is reached
Caption: Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho shake hands after initaling the peace agreement,
Importance: This peace agreement brought the U.S involvement in the war to an end, Vietnam is unified as a communist nation. -
Phuoc Long City is captured by North Vietnamese
Caption: Communist Forces Capturing Phuoc Long City.
Importance:North Vietnamese once again suprise South Vietnam by capturing Phuoc Long City . This act was a violation of the peace agreement, however the U.S did not retaliate. -
The Fall of Saigon
Caption: North Vietnamese communist tanks storms through the main gate of presidental palace of the U.S back South Vietnam.
Importance: North Vietnam tanks enter Saigon, the resr take over the embassy building leading to the Fall of Saigon marking the end of the war.