Vietnam War

  • Japan Surrenders WW2

    Japan Surrenders WW2
    Japan surrenders at the end of WW2.
  • Geneva Accords Divide Vietnam at the 17th Parallel

    Geneva Accords Divide Vietnam at the 17th Parallel
    The Geneva Accords declare a cease-fire and divide Vietnam at the 17th parallel.
  • Republic of Vietnam Declared

    Republic of Vietnam Declared
    Ngo Dinh Diem took over South Vietnam's government.
  • J.F.K Sends U.S Soldiers to Vietnam

    J.F.K Sends U.S Soldiers to Vietnam
    John F. Kennedy sends American soilders to Vietnam to help train South Vietnam's army.
  • North Vietnam Attacks U.S Ships

    North Vietnam Attacks U.S Ships
    North Vietnamese forces attacked U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • United States Marines Land In South Vietnam

    United States Marines Land In South Vietnam
    The U.S Marines become the first combat troops to land in South Vietnam.
  • 400,000 U.S. Troops In Vietnam

    400,000 U.S. Troops In Vietnam
    Lyndon B. Johnson's “Americanization” of the war had 400,000 U.S troops in Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive Campaign

    Tet Offensive Campaign
    The North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong launched the Tet Offensive Campaign, attacking U.S and South Vietnam.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Frustrated U.S. soldiers killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnam citizens.
  • Violent Protests Result in Police Brutality

    Violent Protests Result in Police Brutality
    Protests against the war and the military draft become violent, causing police brutality outside of the Democratic National Convention.
  • Last U.S Personnel Left Vietnam

    Last U.S Personnel Left Vietnam
  • Vietnam War Ends

    Vietnam War Ends
    North Vietnam takes over South Vietnam, reuniting Vietnam under communist rule.