Vietnam War

  • Jan 1, 1428

    Vietnam Defeated Chinese Invaders

    Le Loi, the military leader of Vietnam led the Vietnamese in defeating the Chinese with guerilla warfare. The Chinese had been trying to take over Vietnam for thousands of years and this was the last defeat that caused them to stop.
  • France Granted Complete Control of Vietnam

    This was second time Vietnam had lost its independence and this time caused the creation of French Indochina which became one of their major colonial possessions.
  • Japanese Army Threatened Indochina and Southeast Asia

    The Japanese tried to take Indochina away from France which had taken it away from the Vietnamese. Indochina had the chance of having a new 'owner'.
  • Battle Between France and Vietnam

    France had already claimed Vietnam and was trying to get it back. Vietnam ould lose its independence again.
  • US Vowed to Hold Line Against Communism in East Asia

    We vowed to go against communism in East Asia and that happenend a lot. This caused us to get into the Vietnam War.
  • Dien Bien Phu

    France Surrendered to Vietnam b/c it had finally defeated France and stopped the French from taking over their country AGAIN.
  • Geneva Conference

    A conference in Switzerland to finally calmly and nonviolently settle what is to happen with Indochina intsead of battles between France and Vietnam.
  • Vietnam General Elections

    France regained Vietnam AGAIN and planned another meeting to decide what to do with it but Ngo Dinh Diem, a strong anticommunist French government official, didn't call the election. This angered the people and caused revolutions.
  • The North Started Helping People In South Vietnam

    The part of Vietnam against communism started getting help.
  • Buddhists Protested In South Vietnam

    They publicy lit themselves on fire in protest of Diem's rule and opposement to communism. They were also arrested and this caused even more riots and revolutions.
  • South Vietnamese Army Officers Murder Diem and His Brother

    The US Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge tried o talk to Diem about what President Kennedy wanted but Diem didn't want to. This caused the US to encourage revolts against Diem and the revolts caused Diem's death.
  • President Announces More Involvement In War

    This got the US even deeper in the destined to lose war.
  • Escalation

    The President wanted more people in Vietnam fighting.
  • 24% Deaths In the War Were African Americans

    This made African Americans very mad because they weren't even allowed to be with white people at home but they still had to fight for their country equally and die.
  • The Selective Service Increased the Draft

    This caused more men to have to go to the war and die.
  • Tet Offensive

    South Vietnam attacked the US army while they were sleeping pretty much everywhere. The anticommunist side lost many people from it but called it a victory because they still held off the Vietcong.
  • Vietnamization and Widespread Bombing

    It's Nixon's plan of pulling out US troops to let just the Vietnamese fight each other so US troops get out and the US can make a peace aggreement with North Vietnam. The US also bombed Cambodia to cut off North Vietnam's supply lines.
  • Nixon Repeals Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    This made the US question President Nixon's power to continue in the war and want to get out of the war.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Secret government papers were published by the NYT that made people want to get out of the war even more. The papers showed how the US was making the war sound like it's going one way when it's going the other way.
  • US Bombed North Vietnam

    Nixon thought it would stop the country but they just ended up going deeper into South Vietnam.
  • Cease-Fire Announced

    It stopped the fighting and calmly established 'rules'.
  • North Vietnam Attacked South Vietnam

    This resumed the fighting.
  • South Vietnam Surrendered

    The fighting and war finally and completely ended.