Vietnam War

  • Ho Chi Minh declares the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

    Ho Chi Minh declares the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
    Ho Chi Minh makes an announcement of the new political party titled the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  • The French suffer a defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    The French suffer a defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    On May 7, 1954 the French were defeated in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu against the Japanese.
  • Geneva Accords creates a cease-fire

    Geneva Accords creates a cease-fire
    This cease-fire provided a peaceful withdrawl of the French from Vietnam and a temporary boundary between North and South Vietnam.
  • South Vietnam becomes part of the Republic of Vietnam

    South Vietnam becomes part of the Republic of Vietnam
    South Vietnam declares itself as part of the Republic of Vietnam under the newly elected president Ngo Dinh Diem.
  • Viet Cong is established in South Vietnam

    Viet Cong is established in South Vietnam
    The National Liberation Front or NLF is established in South Vietnam.
  • North Vietnamese attack

    North Vietnamese attack
    On August 2, 1964, North Vietnamese attack two U.S destroyers sitting in international waters.
  • U.S. Marines Killed by NVA

    U.S. Marines Killed by NVA
    6 U.S. Marines are killed by NVA.
  • Peace Talks Begin

    Peace Talks Begin Between North Vietnam, South Vietnam, the US, and Viet Cong.
  • Nixon Proposes Peace Plan

    Nixon Proposes Peace Plan
    President Nixon proposes a Peace Plan on national television, where the U.S. would pull out of war with North Vietnam.
  • Viet Cong attacks targets

    Viet Cong attacks targets
    Viet Cong begins attacking targets (150) in North Vietnam.
  • Nixon orders to reduce troops

    Nixon orders to reduce troops
    President Nixon orders for 35,000 soldiers to return home from Vietnam.
  • Saigon Civilians Killed

    Saigon Civilians Killed
    450 civilians are killed in Saigon after Viet Cong commits terrorist acts.
  • Quan Tri City

    Quan Tri City
    NVA capture Quan Tri City.
  • 101 U.S. Airborn Division Withdraws

    101 U.S. Airborn Division Withdraws
    On this date, the 101 U.S. Airborne Division is withdrawn from Vietnam.
  • U.S. bombs harbors

    U.S. bombs harbors
    Two harbors in Vietnam are bombed by the United States.