Eisenhower explains "domino theory"
President Eisenhower gave a speech stating that the fall of Indochina to the communists would cause a domino effect. This meant that if the communists gained Indochina, then they would continue to spread communism. -
Geneva Accords
The Geneva Accords are a resolution to the French Indochiina War in Vietnam. Vietnam was split and was planned to be reunited by elections in 1956. Ho Chi Minh controlled the North and Ngo Diem held power of the South. -
The Start of the War
This is when Vietcong attacked and took control of many districts in the Kien Hoa Province. This is often considered the start of the Vietnam war. -
U.S. Involvement
The United States signed a treaty saying they would assist Vietnam in the war. This is what cause the U.S. troops to be deployed in Vietnam. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Men on the U.S.S. Maddox claimed that a North Vietnameese ship fired torpeedos at their ship. This event sparked the war. -
Nixon Wins the Election
President Nixon wins the 1960 election. -
Ken State Student Shot
Students at the school Kent State University in Ohio protested because Nixon had expented the war. The protest got out of control and policed fired at the students and one student was shot and killed.