
Vietnam War

  • MAAG

    The American Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) decides to take over the training of the Southern Vietnamese soldiers. This decision by Eisenhower was the beginning of an advisement campaign to assist South Vietnam. http://vietnamfulldisclosure.org/index.php/1956-2/
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    Kennedy's assassination had a very important impact on the war. Kennedy creates the National Security Memorandum the war and pull out all U.S. troops by 1965. But after JFK's death Johnson throws out the memorandum which leads to full scale war. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/john-f-kennedy-assassinated
  • Johnson Wins

    Johnson Wins
    Lyndon Johnson wins the presidential election against Barry Goldwater. Johnson partially won this election by reassuring the American people that he would not send American troops to do Asia's job or to solve their problems. Although only months later he was sending more troops into Southeast Asia in support of the war. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/johnson-defeats-goldwater-for-presidency
  • MLK

    Martin Luther King was assassinated on this day. This was a very important time for our own country. This was important to events occurring in our own country as well as the feelings on the war as MLK has spoke out against the war in Vietnam. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/dr-king-is-assassinated
  • Henry Cabot Lodge

    Henry Cabot Lodge
    President Nixon appoints Henry Cabot Lodge as the Chief negotiator to help North and South Vietnam come to an agreement of terms to end the war. Yet despite all of Americas best efforts the peace talk was at a stand still as the war continued. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/lodge-succeeds-harriman-as-chief-negotiator
  • Provisional Revolutionary Government

    Provisional Revolutionary Government
    The PRG of South Vietnam was created on this day as a government that was opposed to President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu and the South Vietnamese government of that time. The PRG later became the countries government when the North defeated South Vietnam in 1975. http://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Provisional%20Revolutionary%20Government%20of%20South%20Vietnam&item_type=topic
  • Lieutenant William Calley

    Lieutenant William Calley
    William Calley is being charged for the murder of 109 Vietnamese civilians. On March 16th, 1968 Lt. Calley led his men in the massacre of 109 civilian men, women, and children in a village in My Lai 4. Initially this incident was covered up but somehow came to light a year after the event. This massacre coming to light strengthened a lot of support for anti-war groups. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/calley-charged-for-my-lai-massacre
  • Cooper-Church Amendment

    Cooper-Church Amendment
    The Senate passed this amendment that would stop any combat involvement in Cambodia without Congress approval. Though it was later dropped by the House of Representatives, President Nixon did decide that the use of U.S. troops in this area were no longer needed and would be left to Cambodia and it's allies. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/cooper-church-amendment-passes-in-senate
  • Operation Lam Son 719

    Operation Lam Son 719
    South Vietnam planned and carried out an attack invading southern Laos. This plan was to hurt North Vietnam's supply routes. But the second week of the battle the North's reinforcements pushed back and kept control. This event hurt two full battalions of Southern soldiers and the South's morale. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/operation-lam-son-719-begins
  • VVAW Demonstration

    VVAW Demonstration
    During this time there had been many protests in America against the Vietnam war. American veterans planned to hold a demonstration at Arlington National Cemetary, but when they arrived they were denied entrance by authorities. All of the protesting at the time reflected a strong public opinion against the U.S. involvement in the war. This pushed the government to look more at peace strategies to end the war quickly. http://www.vvaw.org/veteran/article/?id=1656
  • Christmas Bombing

    Christmas Bombing
    At this time peace talks were difficult and a constant back and forth that was getting nowhere. President Nixon decided to begin a massive bombing run on North Vietnam from this day lasting about 2 weeks. This bombing played a key role that resumed peace talks and led to the cease fire peace treaty. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nixon-announces-start-of-christmas-bombing-of-north-vietnam
  • The Paris Peace Accords

    The Paris Peace Accords
    On this day, the Paris Peace Accords was signed to cease fire and bring peace between North and South Vietnam. It was thought that this would end the war. Unfortunately both the North and South violated the treaty of peace, as they continued to attempt capturing more territory despite the treaty. The breaking of this treaty continued the war but may have led to the U.S. congress stopping their funds. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/cease-fire-goes-into-effect
  • America Pulls Out

    America Pulls Out
    The last of Americas combat troops are pulled out of Vietnam and brought home, while only civilian employees from the Department of Defense are left behind. This was bringing the end of the U.S. involvement of the war. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/u-s-withdraws-from-vietnam
  • Funds for South East Asia

    Funds for South East Asia
    The Congress bans any funds to be given to support combat in Southeast Asia. This lack of funds was damaging to the war efforts and South Vietnam's economy at that time. This damage as been considered to be a link to the fall of Saigon. http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/31400
  • Saigon

    The NVA took control of Saigon and forced their way into the Independence Palace. After the last evacuation of U.S. personnel, President Duong Van Minh surrendered to the NVA troops, essentially ending the war. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1880.html