Vietnam War

  • Jan 1, 1428

    Vietnamese Independence

    The Vietnamese won their independence from the Chinese after Chinese invaded in the 1400s.
  • French Control of Vietnam

    France invaded Vietnam and eventually won control. Vietnam was joined with Laos and Cambodia to form French Indochina.
  • Japanese Occupation

    The Japanese occupied Vietnam and threatened to take over all of Southeast Asia.
  • France and Vietnam Go Round 2

    When France and Vietnam battled again, Truman supported France, viewing them as a vital ally, and disagreeing with Vietnam's communist views.
  • Korean War

    The US sided with South Korea and helped them fight Communist North Korea.
  • French Surrender

    The French were trapped by the Vietminh. With no help from the US, France was forced to surrender.
  • Geneva Conference

    A great conference was held to decide the fate of French Indochina. A cease-fire was declared and Vietnam was divided between the French and the Vietminh.
  • Election

    The Geneva convention set an election date for July 1956, but Diem knew he wouldn't win so he didn't set one up.
  • Revolution

    The Northern Vietnimh sent help to the revolutionaries in the south.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon began turning the fight over to the South Vietnamese, while pulling out US troops.
  • Operation Chopper

    The first time US forces participated in major combat in Vietnam.
  • Foreign Assistance Act

    When this was signed, the US pledged to defend countries under Communist attack.
  • Assassination

    Diem and his brother were assassinated by plotters.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, allowing the president to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of the United States.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    The US started bombing the North to try to weaken them. This assured the South of US's committment, and they were able to bomb important transport routes.
  • The Troops

    The Selective Services drafted men to join the war. Most of those that served were poor and uneducated. African Americans suffered a very high percentage of the casualties, though they made up 11% of the population.
  • March Against the Vietnam War

    A Student-Activist group in DC protestest against US involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • Tet Offensive Begins

    Vietcong forces drive into the South on the first day of their new year, striking cities, provinces, and military bases.
  • Cambodia Bombing

    US began bombing neutral Cambodia to show our willingness to use force and to cut off the North's resources from the trail.
  • Invasion of South Vietnam

    After Nixon ordered more bombings of North Vietnam, the opposition counter-attacked with an intense invasion. Though the North was bombed again, the opposition aquired more territory.
  • Kent State Shootings

    A student at Kent State University, Ohio, set fire to the schools ROTC building. In response, National Guard Troops were sent to erardicate the protestors. They shot randomly into a group of students, killing four and injuring nine.
  • Repeal of Tunkin Gulf Resolution

    Congress, in response to the Cambodia bombings, repealed the Tunkin Gulf Resolution.
  • Pentagon Papers

    The NY Times started publishing secret government documents about the war. They showed how the government had misled the public.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    A cease-fire was announced. It didn't approach the problem of government in the South, so the US secretly pledged to aid the South.
  • Invasion of the South Round 2

    After the Southern government collapsed, the North invaded the northern part of the South, and paniced Southerns fled and retreated.
  • Southern Surrender

    As the North continued to invade, Americans and some Vietnamese were evacuated. The South eventually surrendered unconditionally.