America's involvement in the Vietnam War
Two U.S. destroyers that had been stationed in the gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam radioed to the U.S. that they had been fired upon the North Vietnamese, hoping for help. -
Operation Rolling Thunder begins
From March 2nd, 1965- November 1st, 1968, after the Vietcong had attacked a U.S. base in Pleiku, the U.S. had come up with the Operation of Rolling Thunder. The U.S. had ran a bombing campaign. -
My Lai Massacre
American soldiers had open fired on several hundred children and women in Tiny Hamlet of My Lai. Approximatly three hundred to five hindred were killed, women were gang raped, and the dead bodies had been found mutilated. -
Protests at Democratic Convention
In Chicago counterculture protest groups had been fighting against police in the streets during the Democratic convention is falling apart due to an international disagreement regarding its stance in Vietnam. -
Invasion of Cambodia
President Nixon, after stating he would keep the U.S. out of war, had declared that U.S. troops and the South Vietnamese Army were to invade Cambodia. The reason was to disrupt the North Vietnamese Suplly line. -
Kent state Massacre
Since president Nixon promised to expand war and not reduce it, students from Kent State University protested. They had burned down a ROTC building and destroyed local property, leading to several soldiers killing the four and injuring several more.