End of First Indochina War
After the war Vietnam is divided in to parts North (Communist) and South (Democracy) -
U.S Military trains South Vietnamese forces
The US sent instructors over to South Vietnam -
South Vietnames military overthrow Diem
The forces recieved implied approval from the U.S -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The Resolution was fired by the torpedoing of the U.S.S Maddox by North Vietnam. It allowed the presedent to take measures to protect the US troop and prevent further agression. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
A bombing campain against North Vietnam that lasted 3 years. -
American protest against the war
The protest held in New York City included veterans from WWI and WWII. -
Operation Cedar Falls
The mission objective was to destroy Vietcong operations and supplies near Saigon. -
Tet Offensive
The North Vietnamese and Vietcong attack South Vietnamesse cities and towns. The US and the North Vietnamese recapture the lost terroroty but the American moral took a heavy blow. -
Operation Breakfast
A bombing campain in Cambodia to target communist supply routes and camps. This opperation was implemented without knowledge of Congress and the American public. -
News of American troops in Cambodia
The news of troops attakking enemy locations in Cambodia spark protest around the nation. -
Paris Peace Accord
The caused an immediate ceasefire and allowed US troops to leave Vietnam. -
End of Vietnam War
South Vietnam surrenders to the Communist and last few American evacuate Saigon