Vietnam War

  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was an aerial bombardment campaign put on by the US. It started as a warning to show the determination of the US. The operation failed and many lives were lost.
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    Vietnam War

  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The My Lai Massacre was a war crime committed by the United States. This massacre killed many innocent people including young children. They set fire to people's homes and if you tried to flee you would be killed.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Tet Offensive was Vietnamese forces coordinated an attack against targets in South Vietnam. This occurred during their lunar new year (Tet). It was one of the largest military campaigns during the war.
  • Battle of Hamburger Hill

    Battle of Hamburger Hill
    The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a battle fought by the US Army and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. The battle was part of Operation Apache Snow. The goal was to cut off North Vietnamese infiltration from Laos.
  • The Fall of Sagion

    The Fall of Sagion
    The Fall of Sagion is when the PAVN captured Sagion. This marked the end of the Vietnam War. It also ended the non-communist South Vietnam regime.