Vietnam War

  • Viet Minh Begins

    Ho CHi Minh uses nationalism to create a party of vietnamese communists
  • Vietnam Declares Independance

    Vietnam liberates themselves from France. Also happens to be the same day the Japanese surrender to the Allied Powers
  • First Indochina War Starts

    French warships killed about 6,000 Vietnamese civillians.
  • US Pays for War

    The US pays 80 percent of the cost of the Indochina war
  • Attack on Dien Bien Phu

    The Viet Minh launch a surprise attack on the French at Dien Bien Phu
  • Geneva Convention

    North and South Vietnam agree to split along the 17th parallel
  • Ngo Dinh Diem takes Charge

    US uses their power in South Vietnam to plave Ngo in charge, as he is heavily against communism
  • One Vietnam

    Vietnam Reunifies
  • Viet Cong

    Viet Minh create a group for those who opposed the Diem. Called Viet Cong (For Vietnamese Communists)
  • Kennedy is President

    As the title says... JFK is elected president.
  • Hesitaton Expressed

    Lyndon B Johnson states that he thinks the war isn't worth it.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    JFK is given permission to take all measures necessary to end the war.
  • US Attacked

    Viet Cong bombs a US air base
  • War Ends

    The war is over, US loses, Vietnam is communist