USS Maddox Attack
Torpedo was fired at the USS Maddox while it was patrolling the Tonkin Gulf by a North Vietnamese patrol boat -
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution was passed by congress that gave the president power to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of the U.S -
Operation Rolling Thunder
Operation Rolling Thunder was the first sustained bombing of Vietnam -
The Troops Have Arrived
The first major U.S combat unit arrive in North Vietnam -
Vietcong Bombing
Vietcong terrorist bomb the U.S embassy of Saigon -
Search and Destroy
The U.S troops went out killed anyone that looked like they were involved with the vietcong. -
Tet Offensive
The vietcong attacked a hundred towns and cities in south Vietnam. -
Kent State Massacre
At Kent State University in Ohio, National Guardsmen shoot and kill four student protesters and wound nine. -
Pentagon Papers
A set of 7000 papers created by president Johnson that explained in detail how he wa going to keep us in the war -
Americans Involvment Ends
The United States ended its involvment in the Vietnam war.