The Vietnam War Begins
On this date, the Vietnam war started. This is a significant because if the war had never started, it would not have happened. -
South Vietnam declairs itself Republic of Vietnam
When South Vietnam declared itself the Republic of Vietnam, it showed it wanted to be independent and not follow the communist North. They had just elected Ngo Dinh Diem as their president. This is significant to the conflict between the two sides. -
Geneva Agreements
Geneva Agreements failed from both the South and North Vietnam declared by International Control Commission. -
Kennedy is Elected President
Kennedy beats Nixon in a presidential election. This is important as Kennedy and Johnson both influenced dicisions made towards the war before Nixon eventually got presidency. -
Establishment of Viet Cong
On this date in South Vietnam, The National Liberation Front (NLF) is established. It is probably most known as Viet Cong. -
President Diem Dies
Southern Vietnam President is assassinated during a coup. This is important as I feel it contrubuted to the fall of South Vietnam. With the death of their president they lost some of their spirit for fighting. -
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
This is important because North Vietnamese attacked two U.S. ships that were in international waters. This was a direct attack on the US. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
US arial bombing, known as Operation Rolling Thunder, of North Vietnam begins. This affected the war and affected many innocent people who were victums to the bombing. -
First US Combat Troops in Vietnam
The first combat troops from the US arrives on this date. This is when we start fighting on land along with South Vietnam. -
The Tet Offensive
North Vietnam and Viet Cong join forces to attacks cities and villiages in South Vietnam. Over 100 cities and villiages were targeted as seen in this map -
North and South Vietnam unite
Fall of Saigon. This picture shows refugees fleeing. Under communist rule, North and South Vietnam form a single unit. This is significant as it showed the cause was lost and communism won.