Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh gained power of North Vietnman (Dien Bao Dai in control of the South).
Source: http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history -
Change in Power
Ngo Dinh Diem becomes president of teh Government of the Republic of Vietnam, taking Bao Dai's place.
http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history -
Support for Diem
Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of the United States at the time, pledges to suopport South Vietnam.
Source: http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history -
John F. Kenndy becomes president of the United States while the Vietnam War was still going on. People in America were protesting about this war hoping their election of JFK would end it. -
JFK orders help
In the war against Vietnam, president John F. Kennedy orders more help for South Vietnam. After his orders, South Vientamese government now has new equipment and more than 3,000 military advisors and support personnel. This helped South Vietnam, but upset people in America because this meant more of their troops leaving and dying.
http://www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/timeline/ -
Battle of Ap Bac
The first major battle in the war between South Vietnamese and the Viet Cong. It was fought in a village in Dinh Toung province. There were multiple casualties on South Vietnamese troops. The South Vietnamese had help with weapons and planning from the United States
http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Battle of la Drang Valley
The United States got involed in a battle between the peoples's Army of Vietnam (PAVN). This battle lasted four days in La Drang Valley which is the Central Highlangs of South Vietnam. Both sides claimed victory of this four day battle.
Source: http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Battle of Khe Sanh
This was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam war. The U.S. Marines were attacked by PAVN troops in Quang Tri province. In result, the United States had to abandon the combat base. -
Tet Offensive
North Vietnamese and Viet cong planned surpise attacks of over 100 towns an dcities in South Vietnam. U.S. and South Vietnam were shocked by these attackes because at the time they were still focused on Khe Sanh. This image shows all of the locations the North Vietnamese attacked.
http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Battle of Hamburger Hill
This battle could be seen as a turning point for Americans. The U.s> and ARVN fought against PAVN forces on a place called Hamburger HIll. This hill was also know has Hill 937 because of the fact that it was 937 meters above the sea. Some saw this battle pointless because soon after the US and ARVN won, they abandon it.
http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Easter Offensive
PAVN attacked Quang Tri Hue, Kon Tum, and Binh Long all at the same time. However, American distructive air power caused many casualties on PAVN. After these attacks North and South Vietnamese were willing to make concessions during the peace negotiations in Paris.
source: http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Battle of Xuan Loc
This was the last major battle of te VIetnam war. This was the last chance for the military unit of ARVN to stop PAVN and sace South Vietnam. Sadly, South Vietnman was unsuccessful and PAVN now controlled amost two thrids of South Vietnam's territory.
source:http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Ho Chi Minh becomes ruler
After te fall of Saigon Ho Chi Minh regained power of South Vietnam. Saigon was named after communist leader Ho Chi Minh.
http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
Fall of Saigon
After PAVN's victory of the battle of Xuan Loc, they placed 100,000 troops within the city and Saigon. SInce ARVN only had 60,000 troops left. Out of these troops soldiers were either too hurt to fight, or decided to leave with everyone else. At this time the U.S> and SOuth Vietnam allies preceded to evacuate, ending the war in Vietnam.
source:http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/ -
I am sure many people wonder how many total casualties there were by the end of the Vietnam war. There is no way to konw for sure the exact number. According to Vietnam researchers, Guenter Lewy and R.J. Rummel, the total number of deaths ranges from 1.3- 3.9 million.
Source: http://thevietnamwar.info/vietnam-war-major-battles/3/