Gulf of Tonkin Incident
a international confrontation that led the U.S. straight to Vietnam war. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
The title of a gradual and sustained aerial bombardment campaign conducted by the united states and it ended November 2,1968 -
LBJ meets with south vietnamese leaders
President Lyndon B.Johnson meets with south Vietnamese premier Nguyen and his military advisors. Johnson promises to help south Vietnamese to fend off aggression from the north. -
MLK speaks out against war
MLK speaks out about the policy in Vietnam. MLK later encourages draft evasion and suggests a merger between antiwar and civil rights groups. -
Battle For Hue
the battle wages 26 days as the U.S. and south Vietnamese forces try to recapture the site by the communists during the Tet offensive. -
Policy of ''vietnamization''Announced
secretary of defense Melvin discusses the policy and the objective of the policy is to shift the burden of defeating communists on the south Vietnamese army away from the U.S. -
Kent State Incident
national guardsmen open fire on student antiwar protesters at Ohio Kent state university. in this incident four students died and eight are wounded. several of the student protesters been hurling rocks and empty tear gas canisters at the guards men. -
Nixon Announces Plans to Visit China
troubles in north Vietnamese, Nixon announces his intention to visit the people's republic of china. Nixon's gesture toward north Vietnamese is an effort to create a discord between themselves and Chinese allies -
Nixon Cuts Troop Levels by 70K
Responding to charges by Democratic presidential candidates that he is not moving fast to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Nixon orders troop strength reduced by seventy thousand. -
Cease-fire Signed in Paris
a cease-fire agreement that, in words of Nixon ''brings peace with honor in Vietnam and southeast Asia'' is singed in pars by Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho. -
Communists Plan Major offensive
Vietnamese forces in the south believed to be at their highest levels ever, south Vietnamese leaders grid themselves for an expected Communist offensive. -
Communists Take Aim at Saigon
the north Vietnamese initiate the Ho Chi Minh Campaign. the command of general dung, the NVA sets out to capture Saigon.