Vietnam War

  • 1964

    early august 1964 two U.S destroyers stationed in Vietnam.August 7th 1964 congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • 1965

    President Johnson called for 50,000 more ground troops to be sent to Vietnam. Nearly 300 Americans were killed and hundreds more were injured in the first large-scale battle of the war.
  • 1966

    Americans forces were brutally assaulted by the Vietcong. Only America's air and artillery support prevented a complete disaster.
  • 1967

    Americans attacks on north Vietnam airfield begun. By the end of the year all of the north mig bases were hit.
  • 1968

    More then 1,000 rounds hit the base, almost a hundred every hour happening at the same time. American forces reply with heavy bombing.
  • 1969

    President Richard M. Nixon took responsibility of Vietnam War. He swore in the office he shall end it.
  • 1970

    The fall of prince Norodom SIhanouk in Cambodia destroyed the fragile neutrality of state.
  • 1971

    at this time over 200,000 people attended a anti-Vietnam war protest in Washington D.C.
  • 1972

    The fighting of Vietnam escalated triggered protests across the Untied States. This was going on for several days and hundreds of students were arrested.
  • 1973

    This time the U.S bombing came to an end. They decided to get their things and leave.
  • 1974

    Richard Nixon resigned as a president the wake of Watergate scandal. Gerald Ford became president at this time.
  • 1975

    The new president Gerald Ford requested 722 million in military aid fr south Vietnam. It was rejected by the congress.