Vietnam War

By emeara
  • Eisenhower explains his "domino Theory"

    Eisenhower explains his "domino Theory"
    A political event that happens on of country will cause a similar of same event in another and another country.
  • Golf of Tonkin Resolution

    Golf of Tonkin Resolution
    This was a joint resolution that solved the Tonkin incident. It gave president Lyndon B. Johnson the use of conventional military in south east Asia with out declaring war.
  • operation Rolling Thunders begins

    operation Rolling Thunders begins
    Operation Thunder was a code name for the American bombing campaign. This was the first sustained american attack on North Vietnam.
  • Johnson announces that he will not be running for re-election

    Johnson announces that he will not be running for re-election
    Johnson televised his speech talking about de-escalation of the U.S. bombing campaign in Vietnam. At the end of the speech he announced his decision to not run again.
  • protests at the democratic convention

    protests at the democratic convention
    anti-Vietnam War protest groups started protesting with signs. For 8 days they met in the streets of Chicago.
  • Nixon wins the election

    Nixon wins the election
    In this election Nixon won over Hubert Humphrey. He was also the vice president before he was nominated.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The remaining Americans were excavated and the country crumbled. This event marked the end of the Vietnam war.