
Vietnam War

  • US Promises Aid

    US Promises Aid
    President Nixon in a speech promises that he weill send men into Vietnam to avoid the further spread of communism. This is important because it is like a future hint that the United States will most likely get caught in the middle of the two Vietnams.
  • French Surrender

    French Surrender
    The French surrneder to the Viet Minh and end up backing out. The Geneva Conference begins. This is important because the French promised to back out it's forces in all it's colonies and during the conference power was given to Vietnam.
  • Vietnam Cut in Two

    Vietnam Cut in Two
    The French and Ho Chi Minh make final the Geneva Accords, which stated the division of Vietnam at the 17th parallel. Later that next fall Ho Chi Minh would be declared as a Communist and lead North Vietnam with communism.
    This is important because it was the start of the division between Vietnam which would then lead to the Vietnam War.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War- US Troops Invovled

  • First US Death

    First US Death
    The first combat death of an American service men occurs. This for many was the start and the beginning of the Vietnam War.
  • US Military Assistance in Vietnam

    US Military Assistance in Vietnam
    U.S. Military Assisstance Command Vietnam (MACV) is formed--by the end of the year the U.S. military presence in Vietnam would reach to over 11,000 soldiers. This is important because it shows that the U.S. is now gettting pretty immeresed in Vietnam and things are getting serious. It's not goint to be a short time of little assistance.
  • Kennedy Assassinated & Burn Draft Cards

    Kennedy Assassinated & Burn Draft Cards
    Back in the states President John F. Kennedy is shot and later dies. To take his role Lyndon B. Johnson steps up to the plate. Furthermore, 1000 students in NY burn their draft cards to protest the Vietnam War and America's involvement. This is important because it shows that the U.S. is going through some turmoil as well. The citizens are not reacting well to the states support in Vietnam.
  • Troops from the South Viet. enter the North.

    Troops from the South Viet. enter the North.
    The very first unit of Vietnamese troops is set over the border into the South--in about 6 months there will be about 6000 soldiers over in South Vietnam territory. This is important because it is the first time there is collosion between the two sides, in person.
  • The Terminating Missions

    The Terminating Missions
    Americans interact with the Viet Cong in direct fighting for the first time. This was a lot different from the hiding and secrective ploys done previously. The directions given are to find and destroy. This is an importnat event because it shows how the United States were willingly to have their soldiers die to stop and end communism.
  • Increase in Troops

    Increase in Troops
    U.S. troops rise and exceeds above 200,000. Again, this is important because you can see that the U.S. is getting more and more involved. Deeper into the problem and is a prediction of the deaths that will toll later on. This is also important because it shows how big and crucial of a problem this was in Vietnam and how much the South Vietnam needed help with.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    It all start on the Vietnamese Tet holiday when Viet Cong groups start to put forth wave of attacks against the United States and South Viet. troops. These offensives would be detrimental to both sides of the war--casuality wise.
  • American Casualties

    American Casualties
    In total by the year 1968 combat deaths in Vietnam reach 22,951. This high number increases the hatred and dislike towards U.S. invovlement in the Vietnam War. This is important because the more deaths the support was needed in the states but many people were just focused on their hatred for being in the war the first place. Riots, protests, and all sorts of revolts were arising around neighborhoods.
  • Peace Talks

    Peace Talks
    Peace talks between countries are held in Paris. Representatives and leaders from the United States and the South Vietnamese government show up to discuss and compromise the war.
  • Vietnamization

    Vietnamization begins--President Richard Nixon will start to have the American troops teach the South Vietnamese men all that they know so that they can protect themselves and survive. Because of Vietnamization US troops were able to come home. Which is around 25,000 soldiers.
  • Withdrawl of Troops

    Withdrawl of Troops
    The Semate and the House of Represemtatoves vote and come to the conclusion to withdraw ALL U.S. troops in Vietnam before the year ends. This is important because it draws the line of the end of the war!
  • Peace Agreement

    Peace Agreement
    South Vietnam, North Vietnam and the United States all sign a peace agreement/treaty stating ceasefire is "declared". This is important because this agreement completely ties up all the loose ends from the Vietnam War.