North Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on the American destroyers USS Maddox.
U.S. Marines arrived to defend the airbase at Da Nang.
American forces searching for enemy troops in an area with a strong Vietcong presence came upon the village of My Lai.
Martin Luther King JR. was assainated.
Robert Kennedy asserted that "we were a great country, an unselfish country, a compassionate country.
Antiwar rally in downtown new york.
Robert Geary said "I'm very proud to be an American and I know my boy that was killed in Vietnam would be here today if he was alive, marching with us. I know he died for the right cause, because in his letters he wrote to me he knew what he was fighting
Fulbright held a public hearing on the Vietnam War.
The United States and North Vietnam came to terms on a peace settlement.
Richard Nixon died.