
Vietnam War

  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords mark the seperation between North and South Vietnam along the 17th parallel.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Time Period of The Vietnam War
  • North begin infiltrating South

    Soliders and Weapons begin to slowly cross the border
  • Vietcong Form

    Vietcong Form
    National Liberation Front for South Vietnam ( Vietcong) organize to fight Northern Vietnam
  • Monk Self-Immolation

    Monk Self-Immolation
    Buddhist monks start setting themselves on fire in public places tp protest
    against the Diem government policy of removing Buddhists from key government
    positions and replacing them with Catholics.
  • Diem Regime is Overthrown

    Diem Regime is Overthrown
    Diem, first president of South Vietnam, lost backing of US support because of the religious protest and he and his brother were both assassinated
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    A small battle between the US Maddox and 3 Northern Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boats, first sign of violence between Northern Vietnamese and United States
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolve

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolve was a joint resolution passed by United States Congress that allowed L yndon B. Johnson the ability to declare Military force without a declaration of war by Congress
  • Student Protest

    Protest begin to arise on college campuses starting in the 1965 against the war in Vietnam
  • Operation: Rolling Thunder

    Operation: Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder is the tactic the Americans used to fight Northern Vietnamese by running bomb raids for 3 years throughout North Vietnam
  • American Protest Begin Because of Draft

    American Protest Begin Because of Draft
    In October draft increased from 3,000 a month to 30,000 a month
  • US Bombing Raid Failure

    The US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara admits that the US bombing raids had failed to meet their objectives
  • President Nixon Elected President

    President Nixon Elected President
    President Nixon promises to withdraw troops from Vietnam
  • Tet Offensive

    Northern Vietnamese (People's Army of Vietnam) hoist collective suprise military strikes throughout South Vietnam, in a time where no attacks were suppose to take place. Americans begin to realize that the victory is slim and question the motives for continuing to fight
  • Ho Chi Minh Dies

    Ho Chi Minh Dies
    MInh died September 2 1969, following his death Nixon began to decrease ground units in Vietnam due to the growing American disregard for the war
  • Fighting Spreads to Cambodia

    Fighting Spreads to Cambodia
    President Nixon Extends the Vietnam War to Cambodia where he starts a secret bombing campaign that he keeps secret from public
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    4 students killed and 9 wounded in this Kent State Masscre while protesting the involvement in Cambodia during the Vietnam War, sadly most of the people wounded were simply walking through or onlookers
  • Ceasefire agreement in Paris

    Ceasefire agreement in Paris
    While under the ceasefire agreeement in Paris the United States takes the oppurtunity to completely withdraw from the war
  • War Ends

    North Vietnamese troops invade South Vietnam and take control of the whole country after South Vietnamese President Duong Van Minh surrenders.