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vietnam war.

By ET rep
  • 1965 troops deployed

    1965 troops deployed
    australia dispatched soldiers to vietnam to help america in the war
  • force

    Vietcong forces mount a series of attacks across South Vietnam. They briefly seize control of Binh Gia, a village only 40 miles from Saigon. Two hundred South Vietnamese troops are killed near Binh Gia, along with five American advisors.
  • U.S helicopter base

    A U.S. helicopter base and advisory compound in the central highlands of South Vietnam is attacked by NLF commandos. Nine Americans are killed and more than 70 are wounded. President Johnson immediately orders U.S. Navy fighter-bombers to attack military targets just inside North Vietnam.
  • bomb in hotel

    A Vietcong-placed bomb explodes in a hotel in Qui Nonh, killing 23 American servicemen.
  • 1965

    President Johnson authorizes Operation Rolling Thunder, a limited but long lasting bombing offensive. Its aim is to force North Vietnam to stop supporting Vietcong guerrillas in the South.
  • the first bombing

    After a series of delays, the first bombing raids of Rolling Thunder are flown
  • route 13

    On Route 13, which links Vietnam to the Cambodian border, American forces are brutally assaulted by the Vietcong. Only American air and artillery support prevents a complete disaster.
  • increase of task forces in south vietnam

    increase of task forces in south vietnam
    the task forces in vietnam had been increased more task forces deployed.
  • oparation birminggham

    In Operation Birmingham, more than 5,000 U.S. troops, backed by huge numbers of helicopters and armored vehicles, sweep the area around north of Saigon. There are small scale actions between both armies, but over a three week period, only 100 Vietcong are killed. Most battles are dictated by the Vietcong, who prove elusive.
  • helicopters sweep over tay ninh

    In one of the largest air-mobile assaults ever, 240 helicopters sweep over Tay Ninh province, beginning Operation Junction City. The goal of Junction City is to destroy Vietcong bases and the Vietcong military headquarters for South Vietnam, all of which are located in War Zone C, north of Saigon. Some 30,000 U.S. troops take part in the mission, joined by 5,000 men of the South Vietnamese Army. After 72 days, Junction City ends. American forces succeed in capturing large quantities of stores,
  • harold holt gone missing

    harold holt had gone missing he was the priminister at the time
  • the battle of coral and barlow

    the battle of coral and barlow
    the battle of coral and barlow begins when alot of eniemies were captured
  • oparation pegasus

    U.S. forces in Operation Pegasus finally retake Route 9, ending the siege of Khe Sanh. A 77 day battle, Khe Sanh had been the biggest single battle of the Vietnam War to that point. The official assessment of the North Vietnamese Army dead is just over 1,600 killed, with two divisions all but annihilated. But thousands more were probably killed by American bombing.
  • end of the war.

    end of the war.
    the USA made a contract with vietnam to start a peacfull and happy lifes .
  • 133.000 troops left

    Only 133,000 U.S. servicemen remain in South Vietnam. Two thirds of America's troops have gone in two years. The ground war is now almost exclusively the responsibility of South Vietnam, which has over 1,000,000 men enlisted in its armed forces.
  • battle of binbar

    battle of binbar
    the battle of binbar was known as a preparation to get help from south vietnam that was the aim