Vietnam war

  • australias involvment beigns

    The arrival of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) in South Vietnam during July and August 1962
  • First Australian dies

    Warrant Officer Class 2, Kevin Conway becomes the first Australian to die as a result of enemy action in South Vietnam.
  • Puts more troopps in

    he Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Menzies) announces introduction of national service to increase the army’s strength from 22,750 to 37,500. Opposition to the war in Vietnam is not accepted as a reason for exemption.
  • more advisers

    Australian Government, responding to requests from the US President and South Vietnam Prime Minister for 200 additional advisers, offers to send ground troops to South Vietnam.
  • HMAS sydney

    HMAS Sydney arrives at Vung Tau, South Vietnam, carrying the bulk of the Australian force
  • commitment to vietnam

    Holt announces the Australian commitment in South Vietnam will be Increased to a 4350-man task force, and will include conscripts.
  • The Battle of Long Tan

    D Company, 6 RAR, strength of 108 men, battles North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC) forces estimated at between 1500 and 2500 until relieved by A Company, carried in by armoured personnel carriers of 3 Troop, 1 APC Squadron. The enemy leaves 245 bodies on the battlefield while 17 Australian infantrymen and one APC crewman are killed. The Company earns the US Presidential Citation.
  • Not commiting more

    Prime Minister Gorton indicates that Australia will not increase its commitment to Vietnam.
  • The Battle of Binh Bah

    Two companies from 5 RAR, supported by APC and Tank troops and Australian helicopter gunships, engage in house-to-house fighting to clear the town of a strong force of NVA regulars. The fighting destroys much of the town and costs the NVA more than 100 dead for the loss of one Australian.
  • Further cuts

    Prime Minister McMahon announces further cuts in Australian forces in South Vietnam, including withdrawal of the tank squadron, RAAF Canberra bomber squadron and some Caribou transport aircraft.
  • Stops involvment

    Australia’s military commitment in South Vietnam ends, although controversy about the precise end date of the war continues.
  • Closing the embassy

    Australia closes its embassy in Saigon, completing withdrawal from Vietnam on ANZAC Day. The final task of Australia's military in the Vietnam War is conducted on ANZAC Day, when the RAAF participates in evacuation of the Australian Embassy and final withdrawal of personnel from Saigon
  • they leave

    Communist forces capture Saigon as the last Americans leave in scenes of panic and confusion.