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Vietnam Timeline

By jd30
  • Ho Chi Mihn forces took the capital of Hanoi and declared Vietnam to be an independent country

      Ho Chi Mihn forces took the capital of Hanoi and declared Vietnam to be an independent country
    Ho Chi Mihn forces took the capital of Hanoi and declared Vietnam to be an independent country
  • Vietnam War Begans

    Vietnam War Begans
  • Elections were supposed to be held to unify the two countries of vietnam but the elections never took place

  • President JFK sent millatary advisors to vietnam to train viatnamese

    President JFK sent millatary advisors to vietnam to train viatnamese
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resoultion was confirmed as a treaty

  • U.S marine ships were sent to South Vietnam

  • Us started deploying troops in south vietnam

  • North Vietnam was on the verge of collapsing mounted the Tet Offensive

  • 500,000 troops were in vietnam

  • Ho Chi Mihn's men attacked almost thirty U.S Targets

  • My Lai Massacre, US troops killed hundreds of unarmed vietnamese civilians

  • North vietnam tookover South Vietnam