Vietnam timeline

  • U.S. joins the war.

    U.S. joins the war.
    The USS Maddox was attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boat.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    It authorized the president to take all necessary measures, including the use of armed force against any aggressor in the conflict.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    American bombing campaign during Vietnam war, the targets were in Northern Vietnam.
  • Norman Morrison

    Norman Morrison
    A 31-year-old pacifist Quaker from Baltimore, sets himself on fire in front of the Pentagon to protest the Vietnam war. Onlookers encourage him to release his 11-month-old baby daughter, whom he is holding, before he is engulfed in flames.
  • Battle of Dak To

    Battle of Dak To
    U.S. and South Vietnamese forces resist an offensive by communist forces in the Central Highlands. The United States forces suffer some 1,800 casualties.
  • 77 Days

    77 Days
    A U.S. marine garrison at Khe Sanh in south vietnam is bombarded with massive artillery by communist forces of north vietnam
  • The Death of Ho Chi Minh

    Ho CHi Minh dies from a heart attack
  • Cambodian Incursion

    Cambodian Incursion
    U.S. and South Vietnamese forces attack communist bases across the Cambodian border in the Cambodian Incursion
  • The Kent State Shooting

    The Kent State Shooting
    in a bloody incident known as the Kent State Shooting, National Guardsmen fire on anti-war demonstrators at Ohio’s Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine.
  • The End

    The End
    North and South Vietnam are formally unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam under hard line communist rule........