Vietnam Timeline

By Emf1575
  • France Imposes on Vietnam

    France Imposes on Vietnam
    France imposes a colonial system over Vietnam, calling it French Indochina. The system includes Tonkin, Annam, Cochin China and Cambodia. Laos is added in 1893.
  • Germany over France

    Germany over France
    Nazi Germany takes control of France.
  • Japanese Invade French

    Japanese Invade French
    Japanese troops invade French Indochina and occupy Vietnam with little French resistance.
  • First Atom Bomb

    First Atom Bomb
    The Soviet Union explodes its first atom bomb in a remote area of Kazakhstan, marking a tense turning point in the Cold War with the United States.
  • The Geneva Accords

    The Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords establish North and South Vietnam with the 17th parallel as the dividing line. The agreement also stipulates that elections are to be held within two years to unify Vietnam under a single democratic government. These elections never happen.
  • Buddhist Crisis

    Buddhist Crisis
    In a major incident of what becomes known as the “Buddhist Crisis,” the government of Ngo Dinh Diem opens fire on a crowd of Buddhist protestors in the central Vietnam city of Hue. Eight people, including children, are killed.
  • Gulf Of Tonkin

    Gulf Of Tonkin
    The attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin spur Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorizes the president to “take all necessary measures, including the use of armed force” against any aggressor in the conflict.
  • President Johnson Targets North Vietnam

    President Johnson Targets North Vietnam
    President Johnson orders the bombing of targets in North Vietnam in Operation Flaming Dart in retaliation for a Viet Cong raid at the U.S. base in the city of Pleiku and at a nearby helicopter base at Camp Holloway.
  • 300 American Deaths

    300 American Deaths
    Nearly 300 Americans are killed and hundreds more injured in the first large-scale battle of the war, the Battle of la Drang Valley. At the battle, in South Vietnam’s Central Highlands, U.S. ground troops are dropped onto and withdrawn from the battlefield by helicopter, in what would become a common strategy. Both sides declare victory.
  • Ho Chi Minh Dies

    Ho Chi Minh Dies
    Ho Chi Minh dies of a heart attack in Hanoi.