Introduction to Vietnam War

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  • Ho Chi Minh is born

    Ho Chi Minh is born
    Ho Chi Minh went on to be a founder and first leader of the nationalist movement in Vietnam. He was a strong voice for an independent Vietnam. He became the symbol of liberation and the largest enemy of the U.S. during the Vietnam War.
  • Vietnam declares independence from France, but neither France nor the United States recognize Vietnam as a separate nation

    Vietnam declares independence from France, but neither France nor the United States recognize Vietnam as a separate nation
    The Viet Minh didn't respond well to the French taking over. The Viet Minh launched an attack on the French in Hanoi on December 19th, 1945.
  • President Eisenhower declares "Domino Theory"

    President Eisenhower declares "Domino Theory"
    During a news conference, Eisenhower declares a "domino theory". This is when communist countries start to spread communism to other countries. The idea with Vietnam and the theory is that if Indochina falls, one by one, other countries will start falling with it.
  • Period: to

    The Geneva Accords cause Vietnam to be split into North and South

    The Geneva Accords split Korea into North and South. The 38th parallel spilt Korea.
  • Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh defeat the French at Dien Bien Phu

    Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh defeat the French at Dien Bien Phu
    With the Viet Minh winning the battle, this scared the U.S. They responded by taking over the anti-communist fight.
  • The U.S. withdraws support of Ngo Dinh Diem, leader of south Vietnam

    The U.S. withdraws support of Ngo Dinh Diem, leader of south Vietnam
    Diem was assassinated during a coup by opposition generals on November 2, 1963.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections in Vietnam

    Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections in Vietnam
    Ngo Dinh Diem was a corrupt leader. He canceled elections because he wanted to keep the communist power.
  • The National Liberation Front is formed

    The National Liberation Front is formed
    The Viet Cong was another name for the National Liberation Front. The Viet Cong occupied South Vietnam.
  • A South Vietnamese monk sets himself on fire

    A South Vietnamese monk sets himself on fire
    This monk was a Buddhist. This monk did this to protest the persecutions of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government
  • President Kennedy is assassinated, leading to the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson

    President Kennedy is assassinated, leading to the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson
    If President Kennedy had lived, we would have been less involved with Vietnam. JFK had planned to get the U.S. out of Vietnam, but once he died and LBJ was put into office things changed. LBJ spoke of getting us out of Vietnam but he ended up getting the U.S. more involved.
  • President Johnson claims a U.S. ship had been fired upon by the North Vietnamese

    President Johnson claims a U.S. ship had been fired upon by the North Vietnamese
    In the Gulf of Tonkin, on August 2nd and 4th, the U.S.S. Maddox and U.S.S. Turner Joy were attacked. In response, Congress and President Johnson passed and said that he would “take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression”.
  • The first combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    The first combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    3,500 Marines land at China beach to defend American air base at Da Nang, joining 23,000 military advisors already in Vietnam