Vietnam Timeline

  • Domino Theory Coined

    Domino Theory Coined
    United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the Cold War phrase, "domino theory." This coined phrase dominated the way Americans thought about Vietnam for the next decade. This caused the United States to get more involved in fear that communism would spread all over Asia and Europe.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    A conference that involved multiple nations regarding the Korean War and the first Vietnam War. The meeting took place in Switzerland and resulted in the French pulling out their troops from Vietnam. This event was important because it caused Vietnam to split into two separate countries.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    President Diem was kidnapped and assassinated by General Duong Van Minh. Diem had heavy handed tactics that angered the government officials. This caused political chaos throughout the nation.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    After the violent Gulf of Tonkin incident, the United States Congress passed a statement supporting President Johnson's status as Commander in Chief. This was Congress technically giving the President approval to get involved in the Vietnam War.
  • LBJ ordered 1st troops to Vietnam

    LBJ ordered 1st troops to Vietnam
    United States president, Lyndon B. Johnson, ordered American troops to be sent to South Vietnam to help out their government to prevent the spread of communism. This was the beginning of the entire Vietnam War and America's involvement.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was a catastrophic military failure for the communists. Over 500,000 troops died trying to take control of the South. The South had less than half of those causalities. This caused the North to end up signing the peace treaties and end the war.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The mass murder of innocent, unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by United States troops. Over 500 civilians died in this brutal attack. William Calley was found guilty of giving this order and was charged with over 100 counts of murder. This was yet another war tragedy.
  • Nixon’s Vietnamization policy

    Nixon’s Vietnamization policy
    A policy passed by the Richard Nixon administration to end the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. The plan was to train South Vietnamese soldiers to fight their own war. Nixon gave them the resources but pulled out American troops.
  • Nixon sends troops into Cambodia

    Nixon sends troops into Cambodia
    Nixon sent troops to Cambodia for the soul purpose of capturing COSVN, the headquarters of the entire communist military operation in South Vietnam. This event caused South Vietnam to gain about 6-8 months of time to train.
  • Kent State shooting

    Kent State shooting
    The Kent State shooting, also known as the May 4th Massacre, was when 4 innocent and unarmed Kent State students were killed, along with 9 others injured, by the United States National Guard. This shooting made the National Guard look extremely bad and this had a big impact on the public's opinion.
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Hard Hat Riot
    The Hard Hat Riot began in New York on May 8th, 1970. Construction workers began to storm a student protest against the Vietnam War. The students and members were chased, beaten and kicked. This event sparked many counter movements and protests as a result.
  • Nixon’s Christmas bombing

    Nixon’s Christmas bombing
    United State's President Nixon declared the beginning of the Christmas bombing in North Vietnam on December 18th, 1972. This was a multiple day attack on the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. This was supposed to be the last United States involvement before they pulled out of the war.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    The Paris Peace Accords was an official meeting to declare the end of the Vietnam War and the start to restoring peace throughout the nations. This peace treaty was officially signed on January 27th, 1973.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    The War Powers Act was passed by the United States Congress to ensure the President cannot contentiously do hostile actions without the approval of Congress. This was important because it did not allow the President to declare war without the consent of Congress.
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
    North Vietnamese troops captured Saigon in South Vietnam. Parts of the city were destroyed in the fight for the city. Since Nixon was no longer president, it was the perfect time to attack South Vietnam and violate the peace treaty.