Ho Chi Minh is born.
Ho Chi Minh is born on May 19th, 1980. He would later go on to become the leader of the north Vietnamese, and make it his life long goal to free Vietnam of colonialism. -
Vietnam Declares Independence
Ho Chi Minh proclaims Vietnam's independence but neither the U.S. nor France recognizes it. In return for France not recognizing Independence the Viet Cong go to war. -
Geneva accords split Vietnam in two at the 17th parallel
In July of 1954 nations met at the Geneva conference and agreed that Vietnam should be split into two. The nation was split at the 17th parallel. -
President Eisenhower declares "Domino Theory"
President Eisenhower declares the Domino Theory, an ideology that states if one country falls to communism then the countries around it will succumb to it as well. -
Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh defeat french at Dien Bien Phu.
Dien Bien Phu was a strategic military base in Nothern Vietname that the Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh took over during the first Indochina war. This caused Vietnam to be split at the 17th parallel. The United States responded by eventually escalating involvement in Vietnam. -
Ngo Dien Diem cancels elections in Vietnam
Ngo Dien Diem cancles elections in Vietnam due to Ho Chi Minh's popularity. The elections were to decide who would lead a unified Vietnam. -
National Liberation Front is formed
The National Liberation Front is formed in December 29th, 1960. They were also known as the Viet Cong and occupied most of Southern Vietnam as they acted as spies. -
South Vietnamese monk sets himself on fire
A Buddhist monk on June 11th, 1963 sets himself on fire in protest. He did this to send a message against the religious prosecution going on in South Vietnam. -
The United States withdrawls support for Ngo Dienh Diem
The United States realizes their mistake in supporting Ngo Dinh Diem and withdraws support for him. After this happens he is killed along with his brother. -
President John F. Kennedy is assassinated
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 11th, 1963. This caused vice president Lyndon B. Johnson to be sworn into office. He had conflicting views with president Kennedy on Vietnam and increased U.S. influence in Vietnam whereas signs point towards the fact that Kennedy would have decreased U.S. influence in Vietnam. -
President Lyndon B. Johnson claims that the Northern Vietnamese have fired upon a U.S. ship
President Lyndon B. Johnson claims that the Sumner class destroyer the U.S.S Maddox was fired upon by the northern Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin. This resulted in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which basically gave the president the ability to declare war without the permission of Congress. -
United States combat troops arrive in Vietnam
The first of the United States combat troops arrive in Vietnam to defend a southern Vietnamese airbase at Da Nang. United states military advisors were sent ahead of time in September of 1950.